Asian brown flycatcher
(Muscicapa dauurica, Đớp ruồi nâu)
The Asian brown flycatcher (Muscicapa dauurica) is a small passerine bird in the flycatcher family Muscicapidae.
The specific dauurica refers to Dauria, an area of south-eastern Siberia named after a local nomadic tribe.
This is an insectivorous species which breeds in Japan, eastern Siberia and the Himalayas. The bird is migratory and winters in tropical southern Asia from southern India and Sri Lanka east to Indonesia.
- Partial white-eyeringed;
The word Muscicapa comes from the Latin musca, a fly and capere, to catch.
daurica, dauricus, dauurica, dauuricae, dauuricus Dauria, south-eastern Siberia (after the Dauuri or Dag( uuri, a nomadic Mongolian tribe that inhabited the area).