The countryside at Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen

Thai Nguyen Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 26, 2025, 3:11 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Scattered Clouds

Temperature: 27.04°C
Temperature feels like: 28.13°C
Minimum Temperature: 27.04°C
Maximum Temperature: 27.04°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1007hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.78m/sec
Wind Direction: 154 degrees
Cloudiness: 46%
Sunrise: 2025-03-25 10:55:16
Sunset: 2025-03-26 11:09:16

Thai Nguyen Province is in the North-East of Vietnam, known for the steel-making industry and the green tea quality. Thai Nguyen City is the capital of the province, 67km from Hanoi. Road No. 3 from Hanoi to Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan Provinces is in excellent conditions.

Thai Nguyen is by far off from the tourist track and the province offers plenty of opportunities for adventure tours such as bicycle tours, motorbike tours, eco tours and historical tours.

Thai Nguyen Vietnam
Houses on stilts in Thai Nguyen

Adventure Travel, Things to do and Tourist Attractions In Thai Nguyen

1/ The Ethnology Museum

It is quite unusual that Thai Nguyen City has such a good museum about the different ethnic groups in Vietnam. There are different sections for each group where you can learn lots about them.


Thai Nguyen Vietnam
The Ethnology Museum in Thai Nguyen

2/ ATK War Zone, Historical Tours

Thai Nguyen was once part of the capital of the Vietnamese revolution in gaining independence back from the French and Japanese. ATK is abbreviation for the Safe Zone (Liberated Zone) in Vietnamese and it was here that the headquarters of the Vietnamese revolutionary movements was located.

Idyllic landscape at ATK Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen
Idyllic landscape at ATK Dinh Hoa, Thai Nguyen

In the ATK you can visit the different sites and recall a chapter of the Vietnamese history. You can daytrip to the ATK from Hanoi, or stay overnight on a cycling tour...

3/ Nui Coc Lake and Ecotourism

The Lake is 16km from Thai Nguyen City. The Lake was rented out to a private company to turn into a theme park nowadays. The lake offers lovely boat trip, refreshing boat trips, relaxing walking paths.

4/ Country Road Cycling

The idyllic landscape in the ATK with lovely Tay villages is certainly great for leisurely cycling for a couple of days. Accommodations are either at local Tay families or simple guesthouses.

Alternatively you can take on the scenic road between Thai Nguyen and Lang Son. On this route, you’ll be charmed by breathtaking mountains, lovely rice fields and ethnic villages.

Fresh country landscape at Vo Nhai, Thai Nguyen
Fresh country landscape at Vo Nhai, Thai Nguyen

The idyllic countryside with green tea plantations at Tan Cuong could be a lovely spot for cycling and photography. The area is on the way between Thai Nguyen City and the Nui Coc Lake.

5/Photography tour to the tea plantation at Tan Cuong

Tan Cuong is on the outskirt of Thai Nguyen City, 11km from the city center. The hill plantations are great spots for photography, especially in the early morning.

Picking tea leaves at Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen
Picking tea leaves at Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen

How to get to Thai Nguyen

1/ From Hanoi via Route 3 or the Expressway (car, van only)

The road is in good condition but it is busy sometimes. The excellent expressway is for those on a four wheels.

 Thai Nguyen Vietnam
The peaceful countryside of Thai Nguyen Vietnam


Landscape on the toll road between Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan
Landscape on the toll road between Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan

2/ From Bac Kan via Route 3 or a new toll road

Both routes are in good condition and offer spectacular landscape with mountains and valleys all the way.

Alternatively you can go from the Ba Be National Park (Bac Kan) via a back road with lovely bucolic landscape.

Back road from Thai Nguyen to Ba Be National Park
Back road from Thai Nguyen to Ba Be National Park (Bac Kan)

3/ From Lang Son via Route 1B

The landscape you’ll encounter on this road is breathtaking and it would be a waste if you do not take a cycling experience through this amazing scenery.

Countryside at Vo Nhai, Thai Nguyen
Countryside at Vo Nhai (Thai Nguyen) on Route 1B between Thai Nguyen and Lang Son

4/From Tuyen Quang via Route 37

This route can either travel pass through the ATK or via the Nui Coc Lake. The landscape is idyllic in the both regions. The road is in fine condition.

Thai Nguyen Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel