Vu Quang National Park, Ha Tinh

Tinh Ha Tinh Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 26, 2025, 5:20 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Clear Sky

Temperature: 33.11°C
Temperature feels like: 34.18°C
Minimum Temperature: 33.11°C
Maximum Temperature: 33.11°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1004hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 3.33m/sec
Wind Direction: 54 degrees
Cloudiness: 6%
Sunrise: 2025-03-25 10:56:17
Sunset: 2025-03-26 11:09:01

Vu Quang National Park was established in 2022. The national park is located to the northwest of Ha Tinh Province, right on the border with Laos. The national park is adjacent to the Nakai-Nam Theun National Park in Laos which facilitates migration of species between the two national parks.

The Vu Quang National Park is an amazing place that many new species have been discovered. The national park was where Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) was first discovered in the world in 1992. In 1994, another new species was discovered at the national park and it was a muntjac deer, Megamuntiacus vuquangensis (Giant Muntjact, Mang Lon) which have similarities but not the same with Muntiacus muntjac (Mang Thuong).

Road to the Vu Quang National Park
Road to the Vu Quang National Park


The total area under the administration of the Vu Quang National Park is 57,000 hectares. Most of the national park is covered in natural forest and primeval dense forest.

Weather and Climate

Like other provinces in the Central Region of Vietnam, Vu Quang National Park, Ha Tinh is endowed with harsh weather characterized by either severe droughts or floods.

Flora and Fauna

1/ Flora

There are 1,765 vascular plant species several of which are endangered species.

Those listed as endangered include

- Fokienia, Fujian Cypress (Fokienia hodginsii, Pơ mu),

- (Madhuca pasquieri, Sến mật),

- (Nervilia muratana, Lan một lá),

- Related to oaks, beeches and chestnuts (Trigonobalanus verticillata, Sồi 3 cạnh),

- (Lithocarpus vestitus, Sồi lông nhung),

- Dipterocarp (Hopea pierreii, Kiền kiền),

- Dipterocarp (Hopea mollissima, Táu mặt quỷ).

New species discovered include

- (Homalium glandulosum, Chà ran tuyến),

- (Camellia vuquangensis, Trà mi Vũ quang),

- (Camellia hatinhensis, Trà mi Hà Tĩnh),

- (Lithocarpus vuquangensis, Dẻ Vũ Quang) ,

- (Zingiber vuquangensis, Gừng Vũ Quang),

- (Machilus vuquangensis, Kháo Vũ Quang),

- (Beilschmiedia vuquangensis, Chắp Vũ Quang)

2/ Fauna

There are 94 animal species, 315 bird species, 58 reptile species, 31 amphibian species, 88 fish species, 316 butterfly species, 73 ant species, 28 spider species.

20 Indigenous species include:

- Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis, Sao La ),

- Giant Muntjac (Megamuntiacus vuquangensis, Mang lớn),

- Striped rabbit (Nesolagus timinsi Thỏ vằn),

- Owston's palm civet (Chrotogale owstoni, Cầy vằn),

-  Red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus, Chà vá chân nâu) ,

- Northern white-cheeked gibbon (Vượn má vàng, Vượn đen, Vượn má trang, Hylobates leucogenys siki), 

- Vietnamese pheasant, Vietnamese fireback, a variant of Edward's pheasant (Lophura hatinhensis, Gà lôi lam đuôi trắng, Faisan du Vietnam),

- Asian palm pit vipers, Asian lanceheads, and green pit vipers(Trimeresurus cornutus, Rắn lục sừng),

- Mossy frog, Vietnamese mossy frog, Tonkin bug-eyed frog, moss bug-eyed frog (Theloderma corticale, Ếch cây sần bắc bộ).

Due to illegal poaching, species are rarely seen at Vu Quang include:

- Tiger (Panthera tigris, Hổ),

- Sao la (Vu Quang ox, spindlehorn, Asian unicorn, the Vu Quang bovid, Pseudoryx nghetinhensis),

- Gaur (Bos gaurus, Bò tót),

- The golden coin turtle (Cuora trifasciata, Rùa 3 vạch).

Some species listed as endangered but frequently sighted include

- Elephant (Elephas maximus, Voi),

- Giant Muntjac (Megamuntiacus vuquangensis, Mang lớn),

- Java mouse-deer, Lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus, Cheo cheo ),

- Arctictis binturong, bearcat (Arctictis binturong, Cầy mực),

- Slow loris (Nycticebus, Cu li ),

-  Red-shanked douc (Pygathrix nemaeus, Chà vá chân nâu) ,

- Sumatran Serow (Capricornis sumatraensis, Sơn dương).

Travel Guide, Tourist Attractions, What to see at Vu Quang National Park

1/ Waterfalls

There are several waterfalls at the Vu Quang National Park: Thang Day, Cong Troi, Vu Mon…

2/ Ngan Truoi – Cam Trang Reservoir (4,000 hectares) with 300 islands

3/ Forests and Mountains

There are several hiking trails for exploring the forest and trekking trail to discover the mountains at the Vu Quang National Park.

Adventure Travel, Adventure Tours, Things to do at Vu Quang National Park

1/ Nature Tours, Ecotourism, Wildlife Tours, Bird-watching Tours

Vu Quang is a great place to take part in nature tours, ecotourism to learn about the diverse ecosystem here.

2/ Adventure Tours

There are currently options for hiking in the forest and trekking in the mountains at the Vu Quang National Park.

How to get there

The Vu Quang National Park is 70km northwest of Ha Tinh City via the provincial route 3 and the national route 15.


Ha Tinh Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel