Viet Tri Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 26, 2025, 3:43 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Few Clouds

Temperature: 30.02°C
Temperature feels like: 30.62°C
Minimum Temperature: 30.02°C
Maximum Temperature: 30.02°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1005hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.55m/sec
Wind Direction: 131 degrees
Cloudiness: 13%
Sunrise: 2025-03-25 10:56:59
Sunset: 2025-03-26 11:10:52
Phu Tho is a semi-mountainous province in northern Vietnam; the province is one of the two gateways to the wild northwestern region of the country. The provincial capital of Phu Tho Province is Viet Tri City, 70km from Hanoi.
Phu Tho is not much known to the foreign visitors to Vietnam but the province was the site of the most ancient Viet-identity Kingdom – the Van Lang Kingdom. Hung Kings were the founders of this Kingdom and they are revered by the Vietnamese as the Forefathers of Vietnam.
AdventureGreen’s travel guide below you could assist you in getting the best from Phu Tho on your trip through this untouched land.
Mountains at Phu Tho
Adventure Travel & Ecotourism, Things To Do and Tourist Attractions in Phu Tho
1/ The Hung Kings’ Temple in Viet Tri (Den Hung)
The Hung Kings’ Temple in Viet Tri is where the Vietnamese make pilgrimages to on the Kings’ death anniversary (1st of the Third Lunar Month, one of the Public Holidays in Vietnam). The temple complex is on top of a mountain with leafy trees. Visiting the whole complex on a normal day would take 2-3 hours and you’ll have to do some hiking. On festival days, it should take several hours. Most Vietnamese pilgrims would wait overnight!

AdventureGreen arranges day trips to the temple from Hanoi provided it is not during festival’s time.
Hung Kings Temple
2/ The Xuan Son National Park
The national park is 140km northwest of Hanoi via Route 32 with patches of forest and the last stretch of the Hoang Lien Mountain Range (from Sapa in Lao Cai). There is a system of forest, caves and limestone mountains with elevations of 700-1,300m above sea level.
Xuan Son - Phu Tho
There are communities of the Dao and Muong ethnic minorities living in the national park whose villages can be visited.
AdventureGreen could arrange trekking tours, mountain climbing tours, eco tours to the Xuan Son National Park for 2 days, 1 nights or 3 days, 2 nights… The accommodations at the national park includes homestay, guesthouses, camps… with basic conditions.

3/ Former battlefields
Phu Tho was where the iron division of 308th of Vietnam People’s Army stationed or took respites from battles during the war against the French (Franco – Viet Minh War). Phu Tho was close to the ATK (Safe Zone) or headquarters of the Viet Minh which was in Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen and Bac Kan back then.
Chan Mong - Tram Than fomer Battlefield
Phu Tho was the site of a major military operation (L’Operation Loraine in 1952) by the French when the Northwest Operation was launched by the Viet Minh into the Northwest Zone. Visiting the famous site of the former battle, you’ll learn a lot about the the battle and a piece of the Vietnamese history. AdventureGreen could arrange combat tour or battlefield tours to these sites which take 1-2 days from Hanoi.
The Da River at Tu Vu, site of the battlefield of the Hoa Binh Battle
4/ Cultural tours
Phu Tho has The Worship of Hung Kings and “Hat Xoan” (ritual singing) inscribed to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO. AdventureGreen could arrange cultural tours visiting different cultural monuments in Phu Tho Province and you could sample these amazing ceremonies on these tours.
Ricefields at Phu Tho
5/ Photography tours
The photogenic tea plantations at Thanh Son District could provide you with amazing photo opportunities. A tour to these sites take 2 days and 1 night from Hanoi.

Beside all these above tours, AdventureGreen has a number of other adventure tours visiting Phu Tho and the Northwest of Vietnam including motorbike tours and bicycle tours. If these sound of your interest, then please email our adventure travel specialist for a tailor-made adventure.
Tea plantations at Phu Tho
How To Get To and How To Travel Around Phu Tho
1/ From Hanoi
- From Hanoi via Route 2:
The route is in excellent condition and the journey should take 1 hour by car. There are detour roads nowadays that you do not have to pass through busy towns in between the 2 cities.
- From Hanoi via Route 32
- From Hanoi by train:
The daily/nightly trains between Hanoi and Lao Cai pass through Phu Tho. It takes 2 hours to travel by train from Hanoi to Phu Tho.

2/ From Yen Bai
- From Yen Bai via Route 32 (convenient for trips from Mu Cang Chai or Nghia Lo)
- From Yen Bai via Route 70 (convenient for trips from Yen Bai City, the Thac Bac Lake)
The green rice fields alternated with palm-tree-covered hills are what Phu Tho Province of Vietnam is known for.
3/ From Tuyen Quang
- From Tuyen Quang via Route 2
- From Tuyen Quang via Route 2C
Route 2C from Tuyen Quang to Phu Tho
4/ From Son La
- From Son La via Route 37
View of a valley from Deo Khe between Phu Tho and Son La
- From Son La via Route 43
5/ From Hoa Binh
From Hoa Binh via Route 70B and Phu Tho provincial route 317
Road from Hoa Binh to Phu Tho along the Da River
Viet Tri Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures