Rowing boat at Can Tho

Thanh Pho Can Tho Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 26, 2025, 9:25 pm, Timezone: GMT+7
Scattered Clouds

Temperature: 24.01°C
Temperature feels like: 24.61°C
Minimum Temperature: 24.01°C
Maximum Temperature: 24.01°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1006hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.05m/sec
Wind Direction: 120 degrees
Cloudiness: 42%
Sunrise: 2025-03-26 10:57:31
Sunset: 2025-03-27 11:07:48

Can Tho Province is in the heart of the Mekong Delta. The provincial capital of the province is Can Tho City, the economic center of the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Can Tho has quite a number of tourist attractions such as Bang Lang Stork Sanctuary, the floating market of Cai Rang, the floating market of Phung Hiep, green orchards,…

Can Tho Province is in the heart of the Mekong Delta. The provincial capital of the province is Can Tho City, the economic center of the Mekong Delta of Vietnam.


Can Tho is located on the western bank of the Hau River (Bassac River, Lower Branch of the Mekong River in Vietnam). Since its foundation, Can Tho has always been the economic center of the Mekong Delta. Transport between Can Tho and other provinces in the Mekong Delta and in Vietnam is convenient thanks to great road system as well as great waterways.

Can Tho VietnamThe Mekong River at Can Tho City

Weather and Climate, Best Time to Visit

Can Tho has a tropical monsoon climate with two seasons: dry season from December through April and rainy season from May through November. From May through August it is daily short-lived rain and from September through November the rain may be long-lasting. The warmest months of a year is April when the temperatures may be above 36oC.

Best time to visit Can Tho is from May through August when there are several types of fruits in season. The floating market of Cai Rang is busier during this time.

You may also want to visit Can tho during the flood season of the Mekong River from September through November. During this time aquatic life is abundant, hence busier wildlife and more bird species to watch. Traveling through the Mekong Delta and Can Tho this period, you can also try several different dishes which are not available during the dry season.

Tourist Attractions, What to See

Can Tho has quite a number of tourist attractions such as Bang Lang Stork Sanctuary, the floating market of Cai Rang, the floating market of Phung Hiep, green orchards,… If you look for bird parks, exotic lifestyle or a cultural adventure, you will get what you wish for in Can Tho.

Can Tho VietnamCai Rang Floating Market, Can Tho City

Nature Tours, Adventure Things to Do

AdventureGreen offers adventure tours, homestay tours, and eco tours to explore the exotic charm of Can Tho for 2-3 days.

Can Tho VietnamDawn over the Can Tho Bridge

Can Tho Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel