Mountainsides carved into golden rice terraces at Ho Thau, Ha Giang

Tinh Ha Giang Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 12:20 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 20.12°C
Temperature feels like: 20.54°C
Minimum Temperature: 20.12°C
Maximum Temperature: 20.12°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1014hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.22m/sec
Wind Direction: 81 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:55:29
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:13:55

Ha Giang Province is perched to the exstreme north of Vietnam, 320km from Hanoi. The province is home to 22 ethnic groups (Kinh, Hmong, Dzao, Tay, Nung, Lo Lo, San Diu, Pa Then,..) whose life was relatively separated from the mainstream society until recently. Besides, Ha Giang is home to the stunning Dong Van Karst Plateau listed as a member of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network. With the rich cultural legacy and the unreal natural beauty, Ha Giang has the potential to be one of the tourist hotspots of Vietnam in the time to come.

Dong Van Ha Giang
A Hmong family ploughing the corn terrace at Dong Van, Ha Giang

Travel Guide to Ha Giang Responsible Tourism

As of writing tourism in Ha Giang is in its infancy with much lack of tourist infrastructure. The provincial authority has recently started developing community-based tourism programs with ethnic villages taking part in providing travel services to the visitors. This provides opportunities for the local people to have extra income from tourism and creates the chances for the travellers to have an authentic experience traveling in Ha Giang. Community-based tourism helps the local people more aware of protecting the natural environment as well as preserving their cultural heritage. Below is the list of villages taking part in providing sustainable tourism services:

A Hmong village at Dong Van


Road to Dong Van from Ha Giang City

Ha Thanh Village (a Tay Village) is in Phuong Do Commune, 6km from Ha Giang Provincial Capital. There are households at Ha Thanh who have basic and clean facilities for tourists including western-styled toilets, hot water,... The village is surrounded by palm hills, rice terraces, mountains and streams which could easily take you a couple of days to explore. Staying at Ha Thanh, you could take part in the daily life with the villagers such as working on the farms, fishing,... Apart from Ha Thanh, other villages around Ha Giang City that provide sustainable tourism services include: Tha, Tien Thang (Phuong Thien Commune, Ha Giang City), Tuy Village (Ngoc Duong Commune, Ha Giang City).

Yen Minh Town, Ha Giang

Kiem Village and Nam An Village (Bac Quang District): Nam An is in Tan Thanh Commune, 27km from the capital town of Bac Quang District. The village is on the elevation of 1,000m above sea level with cool temperatures all year round. There are two seasons in the region: dry season (December-March) and rainy season (April-November). Nam An is home to the Dzao People.

Ban Lan Village (Yen Phu Commune, Bac Me District, Tay Ethnic People) is 5km North East of Yen Phu Town.

Ban Lan Village, Bac Me, Ha Giang
Ban Lan Village, Bac Me, Ha Giang



a homestay at Ban Lan Village, Bac Me, Ha Giang
a homestay at Ban Lan Village, Bac Me, Ha Giang

Thanh Son (Vi Xuyen District)
Na Rang Village (Xin Man District)
Chi Village (Quang Binh District) is in Xuan Giang Commune, 14km from the capital town of Quang Binh District. The village is home to the Tay (96%), Kinh, Nung and Dzao Peoples.
Chang Village in Xuan Giang Commune is inhabited by the Pa Then, Dzao, Tay and Mong Peoples. The village offers fresh mountain landscape and untouched traditional ethnic cultures.
Buc Ban Village (Yen Minh District), home to the Giay People.
Lang Giang, Nam Hong and Phin Ho Villages (Hoang Su Phi District).
Nam Dam Village (Quan Ba District) is 2km from Tam Son Town, home to Dzao Cham People
Sang Pa A Village (Meo Vac District), home to the Lo Lo People.
Lung Cam Tren Village (Dong Van District)

Hoang Su Phi Market


Hoang Su Phi Sunday market


Road from Quan Ba to Yen Minh by the Nho Que River


Xin Man Sunday Market


Rice terraces at Xin Man, Ha Giang

AdventureGreen is a Vietnam tour company with adventure tours, bird tours and responsible trips throughout Vietnam.

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Vietnam Adventure Travel