Tinh Ha Giang Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 7, 2025, 2:10 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 15.34°C
Temperature feels like: 14.78°C
Minimum Temperature: 15.34°C
Maximum Temperature: 15.34°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1023hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.42m/sec
Wind Direction: 101 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-06 11:16:33
Sunset: 2025-03-07 11:05:53
Sung La Valley is located in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province. The large valley with fertile soil, which is by Route 4C, is surrounded by gray limestone mountains which makes it seemingly a lush separated oasis amid sheer gray colors of the rocky world.
Travel Guide to the Sung La Valley, Ha Giang District, Ha Giang
You travel from Ha Giang City passing through Yen Minh Township then the landscape changes abruptly with higher altitude and with everything becoming rock! Then you come to a lush green valley with houses built of rock which is surrounded by walls made by stacking pieces of rock one upon another: welcome to Sung La Valley.

Sung La has been made into a famous Vietnamese movie which helps to contribute to its fame. But the amazing valley with untouched lifestyle has not failed to charm the visitors since it was made known: the untouched lifestyle of the local Hmong, the secret villages behind the rocky mountains which are filled up with flowers should it be spring time…

People come and go, Sung La still possesses the iconic beauty of the life of Hmong mountain dwellers with colorful costumes against the gray rock, of the yellow spinach flowers at the end of each year, of the pink and white colors of the plum and peach blossoms in spring...
AdventureGreen organizes adventure cycling tours and motorcycle tours which travel through Sung La Valley. Besides, we’ll take you into the hidden world of several Hmong villages on rocky mountain slopes to visit the less-seen beauty of this amazing places in the Rock Plateau of Dong Van.
How to get there
Sung La Valley is 25km northeast of Yen Minh Township and 35km southwest of Dong Van Township via Route 4C.
Ha Giang Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures