Lung Ho, Yen Minh

Tinh Ha Giang Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 12:20 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 20.12°C
Temperature feels like: 20.54°C
Minimum Temperature: 20.12°C
Maximum Temperature: 20.12°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1014hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.22m/sec
Wind Direction: 81 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:55:29
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:13:55

When the sunlight starts getting weaker and the mist starts lifting up, the road starts going down. Further ahead, it is under construction again.

Lung Ho, Yen MinhRoad going down the valley of Lung Ho, Yen Minh

Adventure Travel Guide to Ha Giang Trips by Motorbike  

And here comes a road block. There is a huge bulldozer taking the rock and earth from the road and loading onto trucks which come and go. They will open the road again after 30 minutes. I take the time to relax and enjoy the serrated mountain ridges further down the valley...

Lung Ho, Yen MinhRoad block at Lung Ho, Yen Minh



Lung Ho, Yen MinhMountains at Lung Ho, Yen Minh

  It takes them less than 30 minutes to clear the road and we can travel again through the valley of Lung Ho (Yen Minh District, Ha Giang Province). There are a lot of road construction going on down the valley too. There is a lot of noise from machines grinding stone for making roads. Local people will be able to travel more easily thanks to the good roads then.

At Lung Ho, there is also a road going to Tam Son Town of Quan Ba District which is very scenic too. I visited Quan Ba on my earlier trip already. Lung Ho is a beautiful valley and I could have stayed here for the night, but there is so much noise that I think it is better to move on to Mau Due.

Road at Lung Ho through mountains to Ngam La and Mau DueRoad at Lung Ho through mountains to Ngam La and Mau Due

 It is flat road for a couple of kilometers out of the township, then it goes upward through mountain gorges to Ngam La Commune. The road in Ngam La is also under construction, but the road surface is smooth which makes the ride just an easy experience. There are a few times that I have to ride over huge mounds of earth blocking the road. It is good that it is dry now; if it rains, then my journey could be a terrible experience.

Ngam La, Yen MinhNgam La, Yen Minh



Ngam La, Yen MinhRoad under construction at Ngam La, Yen Minh

 The day is drawing to an end and the sunlight is getting weaker quickly. I'm now standing on top the a mountain looking down the road that I have covered and the one that I will have to get through before arriving at Mau Due. It is still a long way ahead and I will have to travel in the dark then. Whatever comes will come and I go with the flow. Now it is still a great moment to be in the middle of nowhere listening to the sound of silence, casting my eyes further to the horizon where one range of mountains arranged after another. The landscape here is just so sublime and inspirational!

Ngam La, Yen MinhRoad to Mau Due from Ngam La

 The dim sunlight through the windows wakes me up in the morning. It is dry and cold outside and the street is quiet. I double-check my luggage, all is ready. After a few minutes getting refreshed, I'm just ready to leave the room and continue my journey. Before leaving Mau Due, I have a ride around the township to have a feel of it. Arriving when it was dark, I did not have the time to explore the town. The community is small and there are only a few restaurants serving breakfast. I have a stop at one that has rolled rice papers as usual. The roads here are a bit dusty due to trucks carrying ore from the nearby mine.

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Vietnam Adventure Travel