Tam Ky Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 22, 2025, 4:08 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 22.38°C
Temperature feels like: 23.15°C
Minimum Temperature: 22.38°C
Maximum Temperature: 22.38°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1019hPa
Visibility: 9889m
Wind speed: 2.59m/sec
Wind Direction: 58 degrees
Cloudiness: 99%
Sunrise: 2025-02-21 11:07:47
Sunset: 2025-02-22 10:51:44

By Hong Thanh.

14-March-2013 The first community-based tourism village was inaugurated at Duy Phu Commune, Duy Xuyen District, Quang Nam Province. There are  40 households taking part in providing tourist services such as homestay, food,...The village is close to the UNESCO World Heritage Site of My Son Cham Ruins.

The community tourism project, which had been sponsored by the Luxembourg Government, started going into operation after 1 year of research and inspection. Households at the village were trained in tourism and were assisted with improving the tourist infrastructure at their home. This promises to bring extra incomes to the local communities which are close to the World Heritage Site and which have always been having very poor living standards.

Vietnam Adventure Travel