Tu Le Valley, Van Chan, Yen Bai

Tinh Yen Bai Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: February 22, 2025, 12:12 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 17.05°C
Temperature feels like: 17.42°C
Minimum Temperature: 17.05°C
Maximum Temperature: 17.05°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1019hPa
Visibility: m
Wind speed: 0.94m/sec
Wind Direction: 74 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-02-21 11:27:42
Sunset: 2025-02-22 11:02:21

The Tu Le Valley, which is in Van Chan District of Yen Bai Province, is a must-visit on your adventure trip to Yen Bai Province and Mu Cang Chai. The valley is conveniently located by Route 32 between Hanoi and Mu Cang Chai District.

Adventure Travel Guide to the Tu Le Valley

The Tu Le Valley is surrounded by three high mountains: Khau Song, Khau Than and Khau Pha. The valley is inhabited by Black Thai, White Thai and Hmong Peoples. Those who travel from Hanoi to Mu Cang Chai via Route 32 can not help stopping at the site to adore the breathtaking valley of Tu Le at the base of the Khau Pha Pass.

Tu Le Valley in Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam
Tu Le Valley in Van Chan District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam

While local tourist facilities are to meet demand of travelers on different budgets, by far Tu Le attracts more adventure travelers who travel to Mu Cang Chai to adore the stunning rice terraces.

Amazing rice terraces at Tu Le viewed from the Khau Pha Pass
Amazing rice terraces at Tu Le viewed from the Khau Pha Pass

Weather and Climate, Best Time to Visit

Like other places in Northern Vietnam, Tu Le enjoys 4 seasons per year. It rains in the period from May through October during which time there may be typhoons which may cause torrential rain, flash floods and landslides in the area around Tu Le.

But Tu Le Valley is beautiful mostly for rice terraces surrounded by sublime mountains. Rice requires water and the best time to visit Tu Le is when the terraces are filled up with water before a rice crop, during the rice crop and just before harvest time. The beautiful moments include:

Tu Le flooded terraces
Tu Le flooded terraces

- Late May – early June: rice terraces filled up with water which makes them like amazing mirrors reflecting flights amid the sublime nature.

- Late September – early October: most beautiful time to visit Tu Le as rice terraces turn into yellow and golden colors against the green backdrop of the mountains; it is just stunning!

The Valley of Tu Le viewed from the Khau Pha Pass
The Valley of Tu Le viewed from the Khau Pha Pass

What to See, Things to Do

1/ Sublime Mountains and Amazing Rice Terraces

The stunning natural settings make it the stage for beautiful photography and all travelers passing through the region stop to take in the amazing beauty.

Tu Le Valley after a rain
Tu Le Valley after a rain

2/ Travel Photography, Photo Tours

When it is rice seasons, professional photographers in Vietnam flock to Tu Le to capture the dazzling rice terraces!

The colors of the whole valley changes per the colors of the rice
The colors of the whole valley changes per the colors of the rice

3/ Walking Tours, Trekking Tours

Tu Le is home to the Black Thai, White Thai, and Hmong People. Having a trekking tour in the valley is a adventure great experience. AdventureGreen organize leisurely walking tours and hiking tours in the Tu Le Valley and between Tu Le and Mu Cang Chai.

But the landscape is always beautiful
But the landscape is always beautiful

4/ Mineral Bathing

There is a hotspring at Tu Le which is the meeting venue and bathing place of local Thai People. It is said mineral bathing is good for your health. And socializing with the locals is a fabulous experience.

Where to stay

There are ethnic families offering homestay service, basic hotels and boutique luxury lodges at Tu Le which should meet various demands for overnight accommodation from the visitors.

Green rice terraces at Tu Le, Yen Bai Province
Green rice terraces at Tu Le, Yen Bai Province

How to get there

From Hanoi we travel northwest via Route 32 to Nghia Lo Town which is 200km away. And the Tu Le Valley is 50km further to the northwest of Nghia Lo.


Yen Bai Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel