Khau Pha Pass, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai

Tinh Yen Bai Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 12:13 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 18.89°C
Temperature feels like: 19.32°C
Minimum Temperature: 18.89°C
Maximum Temperature: 18.89°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1014hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.7m/sec
Wind Direction: 71 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:57:12
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:14:52

The Khau Pha Pass, also called Cao Pha Pass, is located on the National Route 32 in the Cao Pha Commune of Mu Cang Chai District, Yen Bai Province. This is one of the most sublime mountain passes in Vietnam.

The Khau Pha Pass has the total length of 30km and the pass peak is on an altitude of 1,200m above sea level.

Rice terraces at the Tu Le Valley viewed from the Khau Pha Pass
Rice terraces at the Tu Le Valley viewed from the Khau Pha Pass


Flooded terraces at the Tu Le Pass
Flooded terraces at the Tu Le Pass

What to See, Things to Do

1/ Breathtaking Mountain and Valley Views

The Khau Pha Pass connects Van Chan District and Mu Cang Chai District. While the Khau Pha Pass is in Mu Cang Chai District, the views from the pass over the Tu Le Valley in Van Chan District are just breathtaking.

Mountain views from the Khau Pha Pass
Mountain views from the Khau Pha Pass


A view of the Tu Le Valley from the Khau Pha Pass
A view of the Tu Le Valley from the Khau Pha Pass


Breathtaking nature around the Khau Pha Pass
Breathtaking nature around the Khau Pha Pass

At different times of the year, the valley may offer flooded terraces, green rice terraces, golden rice terraces with villages of the Thai and Hmong communities which make your photos shine!

2/ Trekking and Hiking Tours

The Khau Pha Pass offers challenging trekking and hiking tours through dense tropical forest. The length of a tour is one or two days.

Amazing landscape at the Khau Pha Pass
Amazing landscape at the Khau Pha Pass

3/ Tasting Salmon Fish

Thanks to high altitudes and abundant cool fresh water that some local families and businesses grow salmons on the Khau Pha Pass. If you happen to pass the area and would like to taste different dishes of salmons, then there are different restaurants by the roadsides.

4/ Photo Tours

The Khau Pha Pass is a favorite spot for photo tours, especially when the terraces are filled up with water or when the rice ripens yielding dazzling golden colors.

Mountains at the Khau Pha Pass
Mountains at the Khau Pha Pass

How to get there

The Khau Pha Pass is 270km northwest of Hanoi via Route 32. The pass is 5km west of Tu Le Township.

Yen Bai Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel