Travel Guide to Birding and Bird Species at Van Long Nature Reserve Ninh Binh

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Date/time of update: February 2, 2025, 2:01 am, Timezone: GMT+7
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Maximum Temperature: 20.84°C
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Wind speed: 2.59m/sec
Wind Direction: 124 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-02-01 11:32:15
Sunset: 2025-02-02 10:48:23

Van Long Nature Reserve is flooded land covering 3,000 hectares with ranges of karst mountains all around in Gia Van Commune, Gia Vien District, Ninh Binh Province. The nature reserve is 90km south of Hanoi via Route 1, 18km northwest of Ninh Binh City.

Best Time for Birding at the Van Long Nature Reserve Ninh Binh

It is possible to go bird watching at the Van Long Nature Reserve all year round. But the best time for birding here is in autumn, late September, October, November), winter, December, January) and spring, February to early March). Wildlife at the Van Long Nature Reserve starts to get quiet from late February when migratory bird species migrate back to their residence.

Bird watching at Van Long Nature Reserve, Ninh Binh, Vietnam.
Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing to use your spectacular photos.
Bird watching at Van Long Nature Reserve, Ninh Binh, Vietnam. Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing to use your spectacular photos.

Travel Guide Birds and Bird Species at the Van Long Nature Reserve Ninh Binh

Van Long Nature Reserve is home to 102 bird species including migratory and resident water fowls.

1/ Asian openbill or Asian openbill stork (Cò nhạn, Anastomus oscitans) - resident

The most ubiquitous species are storks.

2/ Northern Pintail, Vịt mốc, Anas acuta) – migratory

3/ Eurasian coot also known as the common coot, or Australian coot, Sâm cầm, Fulica atra) – migratory

4/ Slaty-legged Crake or banded crake, Gà nước mày trắng, Rallina eurizonoides) – migratory

5/ Pheasant-tailed jacana, Gà lôi nước, Hydrophasianus chirurgus)- resident, not frequently sighted

6/ Black Bittern, cò hương, Lxobrychus flavicollis)

7/ Northern shoveler, Đàn vịt mỏ thìa, Anas clypeata) – migratory

8/ Falcated duck, vịt lưỡi liềm, Anas falcata)

9/ Chinese Pond Heron (Cò bợ, Ardeola bacchus)

A Chinese pond heron at the Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve, Ninh Binh, Vietnam. Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing to use your spectacular photos.
A Chinese pond heron at the Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve, Ninh Binh, Vietnam.
Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing us to use your spectacular photos.

10/ Little Grebe, also known as dabchick (Le hôi, Tachybaptus ruficollis)

A little grebe at Van Long Nature ReserveA common kingfisher perched on a branch at Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve. Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing to use your spectacular photos.
A little grebe at Van Long Nature ReserveA common kingfisher perched on a branch at Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve. 
Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing us to use your spectacular photos.

11/ Common kingfisher , also known as the Eurasian kingfisher and river kingfisher(Bồng chanh, Boi Ca, Alcedo atthis)

A common kingfisher perched on a branch at Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve. Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing to use your spectacular photos.
A common kingfisher perched on a branch at Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve. Courtesy of Saibal Sen.
Courtesy of Saibal Sen. Deep appreciation by AdventureGreen for allowing us to use your spectacular photos.

Apart from amazing bird species, the Van Long Nature Reserve is home to the biggest number of White-Shanked Langur, or Delacour’s Langur (voọc mông trắng, Trachypithecus delacouri) with 200 individuals.

AdventureGreen organizes wildlife tours and bird-watching tours which include the Van Long Nature Reserve and Cuc Phuong National Park. The tour duration from Hanoi can range from one day to several days.

Ninh Binh Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel