This is a brief guide to the birds of Cuc Phuong National Park in Ninh Binh Province in northern Vietnam. Cuc Phuong National Park includes multi-stratification tropical rain forest on limestone mountains with a rich system of flora and fauna.
Birding at the Cuc Phuong National Park is a fun and educational experience. AdventureGreen has bird tours with customized itineraries to suit your time in Vietnam.
1/ Tonkin Partridge
Tropicoperdix tonkinensis, Tropicoperdix chloropus tonkinensis, Tropicoperdix chloropus
Green-legged partridge, scaly-breasted partridge, or green-legged hill-partridge,
Gà so ngực gụ
1/ Little Egret
Egretta garzetta
Cò Trắng
2/ Cattle Egret
Bubulcus ibis
Cò Ruồi
3/ Chinese Pond Heron
Ardeola bacchus
4/ Malayan Night Heron
Gorsachius melanolophus
1/ White-breasted Waterhen
Amaurornis phoenicurus
2/ Purple Swamphen
Porphyrio porphyrio
1/ Greater coucal or crow pheasant
(Centropus sinensis, Bìm bịp lớn)
2/ Lesser coucal
(Bìm bịp nhỏ, Centropus bengalensis)
3/ Chestnut-winged cuckoo or red-winged crested cuckoo
(Khát nước, Clamator coromandus)
4/ Green-billed malkoha
(Phướn lớn, Phaenicophaeus tristis)
5/ Asian koel
(Tu hú, Eudynamys scolopaceus)
1/ Oriental bay owl
(Cú lợn rừng, Phodilus badius)
1/ Mountain scops owl
(Cú mèo Latusơ, Otus spilocephalus), sometimes referred to as the spotted scops owl
2/ Collared owlet
(Cú vọ má trắng, Cú vọ mặt trắng, Taenioptynx brodiei), also known as the collared pygmy owl
formerly Glaucidium brodiei
1/ Large-tailed nightjar
(Cú muỗi đuôi dài, Caprimulgus macrurus)
1/ Brown-backed needletail
(Yến đuôi cứng lớn, Hirundapus giganteus), or brown needletail
2/ Pacific swift or fork-tailed swift
(Yến hông trắng, Apus pacificus)
pacificus refers to the Pacific Ocean.
3/ Little swift
(Yến cằm trắng, Apus affinis)
4/ Asian palm swift
(Yến cọ, Cypsiurus balasiensis)
1/ Red-headed trogon
(Nuốc bụng đỏ, Harpactes erythrocephalus)
1/ Common kingfisher, also known as the Eurasian kingfisher and river kingfisher
(Bồng chanh, Alcedo atthis)
2/ Oriental dwarf kingfisher, also known as the black-backed kingfisher or three-toed kingfisher
(Bồng chanh đỏ, Ceyx erithaca)
3/ Ruddy kingfisher
(Sả hung, Halcyon coromanda)
1/ Oriental pied hornbill
(Cao cát phương đông, Anthracoceros albirostris)
1/ Eurasian hoopoe
(Chim Đầu rìu, Upupa epops)
1/ Common kingfisher, also known as the Eurasian kingfisher and river kingfisher
(Bồng chanh, Alcedo atthis)
2/ Oriental dwarf kingfisher, also known as the black-backed kingfisher or three-toed kingfisher
(Bồng chanh đỏ, Ceyx erithaca)
3/ Ruddy kingfisher
(Sả hung, Halcyon coromanda)
1/ Blue-bearded bee-eater
(Trảu lớn, Nyctyornis athertoni)
1/ Oriental dollarbird
(Yểng Quạ, Eurystomus orientalis)
1/ Green-eared barbet
(Thầy chùa đầu xám, Psilopogon faiostrictus)
2/ Blue-eared barbet
(Cu rốc đầu đen, Psilopogon cyanotis)
1/ Common flameback, also referred to as the common goldenback
(Gõ kiến vàng nhỏ, Dinopium javanense)
2/ Grey-capped pygmy woodpecker
(Gõ kiến nhỏ đầu xám, Yungipicus canicapillus)
3/ Lesser yellownape
(Gõ kiến xanh cánh đỏ, Picus chlorolophus)
4/ Greater yellownape
(Gõ kiến xanh gáy vàng, Chrysophlegma flavinucha)
5/ Laced woodpecker
(Gõ kiến xanh bụng vàng, Picus vittatus)
6/ Red-collared woodpecker
(Gõ kiến xanh cổ đỏ, Picus rabieri)
7/ Rufous woodpecker
(Gõ kiến nâu, Micropternus brachyurus)
8/ Greater flameback
(Gõ kiến vàng lớn, Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus)
9/ Bay woodpecker
(Gõ kiến nâu cổ đỏ, Blythipicus pyrrhotis)
10/ Eurasian wryneck or northern wryneck
(Vẹo cổ, Jynx torquilla)
11/ White-browed piculet
(Gõ kiến lùn mày trắng, Sasia ochracea)
1/ Pied falconet
(Cắt nhỏ bụng trắng, Microhierax melanoleucos)
2/ Amur falcon
(Cắt Amur, Falco amurensis)
3/ Oriental hobby
(Cắt bụng hung, Falco severus)
4/ Peregrine falcon
(Cắt lớn, Falco peregrinus), also known simply as the peregrine
5/ Common kestrel
(Falco tinnunculus), also known as the European kestrel, Eurasian kestrel, or Old World kestrel
1/ Red-breasted parakeet
(Vẹt ngực đỏ, Psittacula alexandri)
1/ Long-tailed broadbill
(Mỏ rộng xanh, Psarisomus dalhousiae)
1/ Eared pitta
(Đuôi cụt nâu, Hydrornis phayrei)
2/blue-rumped pitta
( Đuôi cụt đầu xám, Hydrornis soror)
3/ Bar-bellied pitta
(Đuôi cụt bụng vằn, Hydrornis elliotii)
1/ Large woodshrike
(Phường chèo nâu hay Bách thanh nâu xám, Tephrodornis virgatus)
2/ Bar-winged flycatcher-shrike
(Phường chèo đen, Hemipus picatus)
1/ Ashy woodswallow
(Nhạn rừng, Artamus fuscus), sometimes also called the ashy swallow-shrike
1/ Common iora
(Aegithina tiphia, Chim nghệ)
2/ Great iora
(Aegithina lafresnayei, Chim nghệ lớn)
1/ Common iora
(Aegithina tiphia, Chim nghệ)
2/ Great iora
(Aegithina lafresnayei, Chim nghệ lớn)
1/ Scarlet minivet
(Phường chèo đỏ, Pericrocotus speciosus)
2/ Rosy minivet
(Phường chèo hồng, Pericrocotus roseus)
3/ Grey-chinned minivet
(Phường chèo má xám, Pericrocotus solaris)
4/ Black-winged cuckooshrike
(Phường chèo xám, Lalage melaschistos), also known as lesser grey cuckooshrike or dark grey cuckooshrike
1/ Brown shrike
(Bách thanh nâu or Bách thanh mày trắng, Lanius cristatus)
2/ Burmese shrike
(Bách thanh nhỏ, Lanius collurioides)
3/ Tiger shrike or thick-billed shrike
(Bách thanh vằn, Lanius tigrinus)
4/ Long-tailed shrike or rufous-backed shrike
(Bách thanh đuôi dài, Lanius schach)
5/ Grey-backed shrike
(Bách thanh lưng xám, Lanius tephronotus)
1/ Maroon oriole
(Tử anh, Oriolus traillii)
1/ Black Drongo
(Chèo bẻo, Dicrurus macrocercus)
2/ Hair-crested drongo
(Chèo bẻo bờm, Dicrurus hottentottus)
3/ Lesser racket-tailed drongo
(Chèo bẻo cờ đuôi bằng, Dicrurus remifer)
4/ Greater racket-tailed drongo
(Chèo bẻo cờ đuôi chẻ, Dicrurus paradiseus)
5/ Bronzed drongo
(Chèo bẻo rừng, Dicrurus aeneus)
6/ Ashy drongo
(Chèo bẻo xám, Dicrurus leucophaeus)
1/ White-throated fantail
(Rẻ quạt họng trắng, Rhipidura albicollis)
1/ Black-naped monarch or black-naped blue flycatcher
(Dớp ruồi xanh gáy đen, Hypothymis azurea)
2/ Indian paradise flycatcher
(Thiên đường đuôi phướn, Terpsiphone paradisi)
1/ White-winged magpie
(Giẻ cùi vàng, Urocissa whiteheadi)
2/ Indochinese green magpie
(Gẻ cùi bụng vàng, Cissa hypoleuca), also known as the yellow-breasted magpie
3/ Common green magpie
(Giẻ cùi xanh, Cissa chinensis)
4/ Racket-tailed treepie
(Chim khách, Crypsirina temia)
5/ Ratchet-tailed treepie
(Chim khách đuôi cờ, Temnurus temnurus)
6/ Large-billed crow
(Quạ đen, Corvus macrorhynchos), formerly referred to widely as the jungle crow
1/ Sand martin
(Nhạn nâu xám, Riparia riparia), also known as the bank swallow (in the Americas), collared sand martin, or common sand martin
2/ Barn swallow
(Nhạn bụng trắng, Hirundo rustica)
1/ Grey-headed canary-flycatcher
(Culicicapa ceylonensis, Đớp ruồi đầu xám), sometimes known as the grey-headed flycatcher
1/ Great Tit
(Bạc má lớn, Parus major)
2/ Sultan Tit
(Melanochlora sultanea, Chim mào vàng)
1/ Velvet-fronted nuthatch
(Trèo cây trán đen, Sitta frontalis)
1/ Red-whiskered bulbul, or crested bulbul
(Chào mào, Pycnonotus jocosus)
2/ Black-crested bulbul
(Rubigula flaviventris, Chào mào vàng mào đen)
3/ Light-vented bulbul, also called the Chinese bulbul
(Bông lau Trung Quốc, Pycnonotus sinensis)
4/ Sooty-headed bulbul
(Bông lau tai trắng, Pycnonotus aurigaster)
5/ Stripe-throated Bubul, or streak-throated bulbul
(Bông lau họng vạch, Pycnonotus finlaysoni)
6/ Puff-throated bulbul
(Cành cạch lớn, Alophoixus pallidus), also the olivaceous bearded-bulbul, olivaceous bulbul and white-throated bulbul.
7/ Grey-eyed bulbul
(Cành cạch nhỏ, Iole propinqua)
8/ Black bulbul
(Hypsipetes leucocephalus), also known as the Himalayan black bulbul or Asian black bulbul
1/ Asian stubtail
(Chích Á Châu, Urosphena squameiceps)
2/ Pale-footed bush warbler
(Chích Vân Nam, Hemitesia pallidipes)
3/ Yellow-bellied warbler
(Chích đớp ruồi bụng vàng, Abroscopus superciliaris)
1/ Yellow-streaked Warbler
(Chích họng trắng, Phylloscopus armandii)
2/ Yellow-browed Warbler
(Chích mày lớn, Phylloscopus inornatus)
3/ Dusky Warbler
(Chim chích nâu, Phylloscopus fuscatus)
4/ Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
(Chích chân xám, Phylloscopus tenellipes)
5/ Eastern crowned warbler or Temminck's Crowned Willow Warbler
(Chích mào phương Đông, Phylloscopus coronatus)
1/ Blunt-winged Paddyfield Warbler
(Chích cánh cụt, Acrocephalus concinens)
2/ Thick-billed Warbler
(Chích mỏ rộng, Arundinax aedon)
3/ Oriental Great Reed Warbler
(Chích đầu nhọn phương đông, Acrocephalus orientalis)
1/ The lanceolated warbler
(Chích đầm lầy nhỏ, Locustella lanceolata)
2/ Pallas's grasshopper warbler
(Chích đầm lầy lớn, Helopsaltes certhiola)
3/ Russet bush warbler
(Chích nâu đỏ, Locustella mandelli)
1/ Common (or Long-tailed) Tailorbird
(Chích bông đuôi dài, Orthotomus sutorius)
2/ Black(or Dark)-necked Tailorbird
(Chích bông cánh vàng, Orthotomus atrogularis)
3/ Rufescent Prinia
(Chiền chiện đầu nâu, Prinia rufescens)
4/ Yellow-bellied prinia
(Chiền chiện bụng vàng, Prinia flaviventris)
1/ Yellow-eyed babbler
(Hoa mi mỏ ngắn, Hoa mi mat vang, Chrysomma sinense)
1/ Black-chinned yuhina
(Khướu mào đầu đen, Yuhina nigrimenta)
2/ Indian white-eye
(Vành khuyên họng vàng, Zosterops palpebrosus), formerly the Oriental white-eye
3/ Chestnut-flanked white-eye
(Vành khuyên sườn hung, Zosterops erythropleurus)
4/ Warbling white-eye
(Vành Nhật Bản, Zosterops japonicus), also known as the Japanese white-eye and mountain white-eye
1/ Chestnut-capped babbler
(Hoa mi nhỏ, Timalia pileata)
2/ Pin-striped tit-babbler
(Chích chạch má vàng, Mixornis gularis), also known as the yellow-breasted babbler
3/ Streak-breasted scimitar babbler
(Họa mi đất ngực luốc, Pomatorhinus ruficollis)
4/ Large scimitar babbler
(Họa mi đất mỏ dài, Erythrogenys hypoleucos)
5/ Grey-throated babbler
(Khướu bụi đầu đen, Stachyris nigriceps)
6/ Spot-necked babbler
(Khướu bụi đốm cổ, Stachyris strialata)
1/ Rufous-throated fulvetta
(Lách tách họng hung, Schoeniparus rufogularis)
2/ Puff-throated babbler or spotted babbler
(Chuối tiêu ngực đốm, Pellorneum ruficeps)
3/ Eyebrowed wren-babbler
(Khướu đá nhỏ, Napothera epilepidota)
4/ Annam limestone babbler
(khướu đá hoa, Gypsophila annamensis)
5/ Short-tailed scimitar babbler
(Khướu mỏ dài, Napothera danjoui)
6/ Streaked wren-babbler
(Khướu đá đuôi ngắn, Gypsophila brevicaudata)
1/ Masked laughingthrush
(Bò chao, Liếu điếu, Pterorhinus perspicillatus)
2/ Black-throated laughingthrush
(Khướu bạc má, Pterorhinus chinensis)
earlier placed in the genus Garrulax.
3/ Lesser necklaced laughingthrush
(Khướu khoang cổ, Garrulax monileger)
4/ White-crested laughingthrush
(Khướu đầu trắng, Garrulax leucolophus)
1/ Asian fairy-bluebird
(Chim lam, Irena puella)
1/ Magpie Robin
(Chích chòe than, Chia Voi Than, Copsychus saularis)
2/ White-rumped shama
(Chích chòe lửa, Copsychus malabaricus)
3/ Asian brown flycatcher
(Muscicapa dauurica, Đớp ruồi nâu)
4/ White-tailed flycatcher
(Leucoptilon concretum, Đớp ruồi đuôi trắng)
5/ Hainan blue flycatcher
(Cyornis hainanus, Đớp ruồi xanh hải nam)
6/ Fujian niltava
(Đớp ruồi cằm đen, Niltava davidi)

7/ Blue-and-white flycatcher
(Cyanoptila cyanomelana, Đớp ruồi Nhật Bản)
8/ Rufous-tailed robin
(Oanh cổ trắng, Larvivora sibilans)
Also pseudorobin, red-tailed robin, Swinhoe's red-tailed robin, Swinhoe's robin, Swinhoe's pseudorobin, Swinhoe's nightingale or whistling nightingale.
sibilans is Latin for "whistling".
9/ Siberian blue robin
(Larvivora cyane, Oanh lưng xanh)
10/ Blue whistling thrush
(Myophonus caeruleus, Hoét xanh)
11/ Siberian rubythroat
(Oanh cổ đỏ, Calliope calliope)
12/ Red-flanked bluetail
(Tarsiger cyanurus, Oanh đuôi cụt lưng xanh), also known as the orange-flanked bush-robin
13/ Yellow-rumped flycatcher
(Ficedula zanthopygia), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcher
14/ Mugimaki flycatcher
(Ficedula mugimaki, Đớp ruồi Mugi)
15/ Taiga flycatcher or red-throated flycatcher
(Ficedula albicilla, Đớp ruồi Taiga)
16/ Grey Bushchat
(Sẻ bụi xám, Saxicola ferrea)
1/ Siberian thrush
(Geokichla sibirica)
Hoét Sibêri
2/ Orange-headed Thrush
(Hoét vàng, Sáo đất đầu cam, Geokichla citrina)
3/ Scaly thrush
(Zoothera dauma)
Sáo đất
4/ Grey-backed thrush
(Turdus hortulorum)
Hoét lưng đen
5/ Japanese thrush
(Turdus cardis), grey thrush or the Japanese grey thrush
Hoét bụng trắng
6/ Chinese blackbird
(Turdus mandarinus)
Hoét đen
7/ Purple cochoa
(Cochoa purpurea)
Cô cô đầu xám
8/ Green cochoa
(Cochoa viridis)
Cô cô xanh
1/ Golden-crested myna
(Sáo vàng, Ampeliceps coronatus)
coronatus in Latin: crowned, wreathed
2/ Common hill myna
(Yểng, Nhông, Gracula religiosa), sometimes spelled "mynah", or hill myna or myna bird
3/ Black-collared starling
(Sáo sậu, Gracupica nigricollis)
4/ White-shouldered starling
(Sáo đá Trung Quốc, Sturnia sinensis)
5/ Chestnut-tailed starling
(Sáo đá đuôi hung, Sturnia malabarica), also called grey-headed starling and grey-headed myna
6/ Great myna
(Sáo mỏ vàng, Acridotheres grandis), also known as the white-vented myna
7/ Common myna or Indian myna
(Acridotheres tristis), sometimes spelled mynah
8/ Crested myna
(Sáo mỏ ngà, Sáo đen, Acridotheres cristatellus), also known as the Chinese starling
1/ Blue-winged leafbird
(Chloropsis moluccensis)
Chim xanh Nam Bộ
2/ Golden-fronted leafbird
(Chloropsis aurifrons)
Chim xanh trán vàng
3/ Orange-bellied leafbird
(Chloropsis hardwickii)
Chim xanh bụng vàng
1/ Plain flowerpecker
(Dicaeum minullum)
Chim sâu vàng lục
2/ Fire-breasted flowerpecker
(Dicaeum ignipectus)
Chim sâu ngực đỏ
1/ Ruby-cheeked sunbird
(Hút mật bụng hung, Chalcoparia singalensis)
2/ Garden sunbird, olive-backed sunbird
(Hút mật họng tím, Cinnyris jugularis)
3/ Crimson sunbird
(Hút mật đỏ, Aethopyga siparaja)
4/ Fork-tailed sunbird
(Hút mật đuôi nhọn, Aethopyga christinae)
5/ Streaked spiderhunter
(Bắp chuối đốm đen, Arachnothera magna)
1/ Forest Wagtail
(Chìa vôi rừng, Dendronanthus indicus)
2/ Grey Wagtail
(Chìa vôi núi, Motacilla cinerea)
3/ White Wagtail
(Chìa vôi trắng, Motacilla alba)
4/ Richard's pipit
(Manh Lon, Anthus richardi)
5/ Olive-backed pipit
(Anthus hodgsoni)
Chim manh Vân Nam
1/ Chestnut-eared bunting
(Sẻ đồng đầu xám, Emberiza fucata), also called grey-headed bunting or grey-hooded bunting
2/ Black-faced bunting
(Sẻ đồng mặt đen, Emberiza spodocephala)
1/ Common rosefinch
(Sẻ hồng mura, Carpodacus erythrinus) or scarlet rosefinch