Sapa Travel Guide: Muong Hoa Valley

Sa Pa Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: January 29, 2025, 6:03 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 4.31°C
Temperature feels like: 4.31°C
Minimum Temperature: 4.31°C
Maximum Temperature: 4.31°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1022hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.78m/sec
Wind Direction: 118 degrees
Cloudiness: 93%
Sunrise: 2025-01-28 11:44:26
Sunset: 2025-01-29 10:50:48

The Muong Hoa Valley in Sapa is located to the south of the town stretching for over a dozen kilometers.

There is a road running north-south on the western brim of the valley and a village path connecting different ethnic villages at the bottom of the valley. The Muong Hoa Valley is home to Black H’mong villages and a Giay Village of Ta Van. 

The Muong Hoa Valley in winter time
The Muong Hoa Valley in winter time

The valley offers lovely leisurely walking tours as well as hard trekking trips for a few hours or a full day. Beside the villages, there are captivating rice terraces and breathtaking mountains which make your time here a wonderful experience.

The Muong Hoa Valley in harvest time in May-June
The Muong Hoa Valley in harvest time in May-June


The Muong Hoa Valley in summer
The Muong Hoa Valley in summer


The Muong Hoa Valley during the rice transplanting season in the summer
The Muong Hoa Valley during the rice transplanting season in the summer
The Muong Hoa Valley in fog
The Muong Hoa Valley in fog


The Muong Hoa Valley covered in white clouds
The Muong Hoa Valley covered in white clouds


The Muong Hoa Valley on a sunny day
The Muong Hoa Valley on a sunny day


Villages in the Muong Hoa Valley in Sapa
Villages in the Muong Hoa Valley in Sapa


Sapa Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel