Ho Citadel in Vinh Loc, Thanh Hoa

Tinh Thanh Hoa Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 4:53 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 18.14°C
Temperature feels like: 18.12°C
Minimum Temperature: 18.14°C
Maximum Temperature: 18.14°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1016hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.8m/sec
Wind Direction: 84 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:54:18
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:11:06

The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty (Ho Family) was built from 1397-1401 by Ho Quy Ly when he became the King of Vietnam usurping the throne from the Tran Dynasty (Tran Family). Due to threat of invasion from China (the Ming Dynasty) and hostility within Vietnam, Ho Quy Ly moved the capital city to Vinh Loc, Thanh Hoa Province, and the citadel was built at the new royal capital.

A lady cycling at Ho CitadelA lady cycling at Ho Citadel

Travel Guide to Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, Thanh Hoa

The citadel walls were built of stabs of stone without mortar or glue in between the stones. Outside of the wall, there were water moats and bamboo hedges. Nowadays visiting the citadel, you can still see the four gates to the citadel and the stone walls. All buildings, the moats and bamboo hedges of the past are replaced by rice fields. The Ho Dynasty Citadel was listed to the World Heritage by the UNESCO in June 2011.

Visiting the Ho Citadel, you can sample a very vivid daily life of the local farmers. AdventureGreen organize trips to the Citadel of the Ho Family and nearby tourist attractions.

The main gate to Ho Citadel, Thanh Hoa, VietnamThe main gate to Ho Citadel, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam



Archaeological artefacts at Ho Citadel, Thanh Hoa, VietnamArchaeological artefacts at Ho Citadel, Thanh Hoa, Vietnam



Kids riding a buffalo at Ho CitadelKids riding a buffalo at Ho Citadel



Peaceful country life at Ho CitadelPeaceful country life at Ho Citadel



Farmers passing the gate at Ho CitadelFarmers passing the gate at Ho Citadel



Another entrance to Ho CitadelAnother entrance to Ho Citadel



An old couple by their water buffaloAn old couple by their water buffalo

Thanh Hoa Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel