Xuan Lien Nature Reserve, Thanh Hoa

Tinh Thanh Hoa Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 26, 2025, 1:10 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Scattered Clouds

Temperature: 23.73°C
Temperature feels like: 23.91°C
Minimum Temperature: 23.73°C
Maximum Temperature: 23.73°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1007hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.59m/sec
Wind Direction: 140 degrees
Cloudiness: 31%
Sunrise: 2025-03-25 10:56:58
Sunset: 2025-03-26 11:10:20

The Xuan Lien Nature Reserve is in Thuong Xuan District, Thanh Hoa Province. The Xuan Lien Nature Reserve was established in 1999 with the total area of 21,000 hectares and the buffer zone of 40,260 hectares.

In 2013 the core zone of the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve was readjusted to nearly 24,000 hectares.


There are 752 vascular plant species of which 38 species are listed in Vietnam’s Red Book for endangered species.

The endangered species include
- Fokienia or Fujian cypress (Fokienia hodginssi, Pơ Mu), 
- China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata, Sa Mu), 
- Chinese incense-cedar (Calocedrus macrolepis, Bách xanh), 
- Catkin yew (Amentotaxus argotenia, Dẻ tùng sọc trắng), 
- Malayan yellowwood (Dacrycarpus imbricatus, Thông Nàng).

4 species endemic to Vietnam:
 - (Cinnamomum balansae, Vù hương), 
 - (Colona poilanei, Chông), 
- (Crofon boniana, Cù đèn bon ), 
-  (Macaranga balansae, Mã rạng Balansa). 


There are 38 animal species, 131 bird species, 53 amphibian species several of which are listed in Vietnam’s Red Book.

At the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve, 8 small slow loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) were found in the south. And later scientists discovered 2 adult and 30 child individuals more in the forest.

What to see, Tourist Attractions

1/ Waterfalls

There are several sublime waterfalls in the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve: 7-Level Waterfall (Ngoc Phung Commune), Tien Waterfall (Vin Village, Bat Mot Commune), Tat Mu Tat Mu (Van Xuan Commune)...

2/ Cua Dat Reservoir

The reservoir receives water from the Chu River which starts its course in Laos. The reservoir is an important water source for the whole region.

3/Ethnic Villages

There are several ethnic Thai villages in the nature reserve with traditional culture. Visiting these communities provide interesting understanding of their daily life and culture.

Things to do

1/ Trekking Tours, Hiking Trips

There are several trekking routes which lead to bird watching spots, waterfalls, villages…

2/ Visiting Ethnic Villages

3/ Bird Watching Tours, Birding Trails

There are several trails at the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve which avid birders will just love. AdventureGreen operates birding tours at the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve for 2 days, 1 night from Hanoi.

4/ Boat Trip

Having a boat trip on the Cua Cat Reservoir and visit a sublime waterfall is a lovely experience.

5/ Butterfly watching Tours

Watch and adore the amazing butterflies at the Xuan Lien Nature Reserve. The tour takes 2 days from Hanoi.

How to get there

The Xuan Lien Nature Reserve is 65km west-northwest of Thanh Hoa City via Route 45.


Vietnam Adventure Travel