Grey-hooded fulvetta
(Lách tách mũ xám, Fulvetta cinereiceps)
The genus was recently reestablished for the typical fulvettas, which had, for long, been placed in in the Timaliidae (Old World babbler) genus Alcippe.
The species of this genus are closely related to the parrotbills.
The grey-hooded fulvetta (Fulvetta cinereiceps) is a bird species in the family Paradoxornithidae.
- Grey-hooded (head and neck);
Paradoxornithidae: puzzling, paradox bird; Greek paradoxos extraordinary; ornis bird.
Fulvetta: probably from Latin fulvus: tawny, yellowish-brown.
cinereiceps: Latin cinereus ash-coloured; -ceps -headed (caput head).