Tinh Cao Bang Holiday Weather today
Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 12:37 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Overcast Clouds

Temperature: 13.27°C
Temperature feels like: 12.61°C
Minimum Temperature: 13.27°C
Maximum Temperature: 13.27°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1019hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.79m/sec
Wind Direction: 68 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:51:31
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:09:53
Pac Bo is in Ha Quang District, Cao Bang Province. Pac Bo was where Ho Chi Minh returned to Vietnam on 28-Jan-1941, after 30 years traveling overseas seeking to liberate Vietnam from France.
Travel Guide to Pac Bo in Cao Bang
Pac Bo in Tay language means "The Water Source". The name is taken from the fact that there is a stream with crystal clear emerald water rinsing out from underground a few hundred meters below Pac Bo Cave. If we hike up further from Pac Bo Cave, then it's the border marker No. 108 between Vietnam and China.
Pac Bo is 55km north-west of Cao Bang provincial capital and there is only one road to access the site from Cao Bang City. The road is in very good conditions now and there are rice fields, corn fields as well as ethnic villages along the way.
There is only a mono road to Pac Bo from Cao Bang which has scenic mountains all along the way
There are various opportunities to take photos of local people at work along the way
And there are ethnic villages for you to visit...
The path to Pac Bo Cave is scenic with a river all along
It requires some effort to hike through the forest to the cave
How to get there
The cave where Ho Chi Minh lived is small and dark
The once working table is just simple