Khuoi Ky Ancient Village, Cao Bang

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Date/time of update: March 29, 2025, 12:37 am, Timezone: GMT+7
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Temperature: 13.27°C
Temperature feels like: 12.61°C
Minimum Temperature: 13.27°C
Maximum Temperature: 13.27°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1019hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 1.79m/sec
Wind Direction: 68 degrees
Cloudiness: 100%
Sunrise: 2025-03-28 10:51:31
Sunset: 2025-03-29 11:09:53

Planning a tour to Cao Bang Vietnam, most travelers would think of the Ban Gioc Waterfall or Pac Bo, or the Nguom Ngao Cave. Little do you know that this far-flung land is home to a secret ancient village dating from the 16th century…

Travel Guide to Khuoi Ky Ancient Village in Cao Bang

Location, How to Get There

The Khuoi Ky Village is in Dam Thuy Commune, Trung Khanh District, same area as the Ban Gioc Waterfall and Nguom Ngao Cave. If you visit either of the two latter attractions, you have to pass by Khuoi Ky Village. It is about 2km from Khuoi Ky to either Ban Gioc or Nguom Ngao. But the village is secretly hidden and for long it was not known to passers-by.

Khuoi Ky Village, Cao Bang, Vietnam
Khuoi Ky Village, Cao Bang, Vietnam


The Khuoi Ky Village was built by the Mac feudal group during the Trinh – Mac (Northern and Southern Dynasty War) in Vietnam. Because of the historical context, houses of stone were built which were homes and which were also fortresses. These houses have a very special architecture and the local ethnic Tay used their traditional techniques of building houses with material from slabs of stone and lime.


Each house would have three compartments which have no walls separating them: the three compartments share the same open space but they are not one! The reason for this design is that it creates balance for the house and it helps the structure steady. It helps to bring in lucky energy.

The whole village is surrounded by mountains which makes it a separate peaceful world. In the front of the village, there is an idyllic river with water which flows for days and nights. The river helps to wash away all turbulence of the outside world; and the villagers return home each day, they are free from daily hustle. The village is a shelter for everyone here!

Homestay experience

If you plan your holidays in Cao Bang, you may like to spend a night at a stone house the Khuoi Ky Village. Some local Tay families have reserved part of their home for the visitors to experience the local life. Staying at the village, you can learn a lot about the slow agrarian life of the Tay, taste their traditional dishes,… In the afternoon, you can enjoy a leisurely walk amid the idyllic and peaceful landscape surround the village.

AdventureGreenn is a local adventure tour operator in Vietnam with adventure holidays and bird watching tours. Our adventure tours to Cao Bang also include a night at Khuoi Ky Village. We also offer secret trekking tours around the area of the Khuoi Ky Village, Nguom Ngao Cave and Ban Gioc Waterfall.

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Vietnam Adventure Travel