Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Bird Watching, Family Tours
A passerine is any bird of the order Passeriformes which is from Latin passer 'sparrow' and formis '-shaped') which includes more than half of all bird species. This is a list of all families belonging to the bird order Passeriformes in Vietnam.
- Order: Passeriformes
Acanthizidae—sometimes called Australian warblers—are a family of passerine birds which includes gerygones, thornbills Acanthiza, and scrubwrens Sericornis.
Acanthiza Greek akantheo thorn-brake; zao to inhabit, to live.
- Order: Passeriformes
The Acrocephalidae (the reed warblers, marsh- and tree-warblers, or acrocephalid warblers) are a family of oscine passerine birds, in the superfamily Sylvioidea.
The family is from the name of the genus Acrocephalus from Ancient Greek akros, "highest", and kephale, "head".
It is possible that the Naumanns thought akros meant "sharp-pointed".
bistrigiceps: Latin bi- double; striga furrow; -ceps -capped (caput head). -
- Ordre: Passeriformes
Ordre Passeriformes
Famille Acrocephalidae, AcrocéphalidésLes Acrocephalidae (ou acrocéphalidés) sont une famille de passereaux constituée de 5 genres et plus de soixante espèces.
Acrocéphalidés, Acrocephalidae: vient du nom du genre Acrocephalus proveniant du grec ancien akros, "plus haut/haute", and kephale, "tête".
- Order: Passeriformes
The ioras are a small family, Aegithinidae, of four passerine bird species found in south and southeast Asia.
Aegithinidae is from the genus Aegithina which is from Ancient Greek aigithos or aiginthos, a mythical bird mentioned by Aristotle and other classical authors.
In Greek Baby Names the meaning of the name Iora is: Pure. -
- Ordre: Passeriformes
Les Aegithinidae (ou ægithinidés) sont une famille de passereaux constituée du seul genre Aegithina et 4 espèces.
Les espèces de cette famille se trouvent à l'Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est.Aegithinidae vient du nom du genre Aegithina qui vient du grec aigithos ou aiginthos, un oiseau mythique mentionné par Aristotle et d'autres auteurs classiques.
Du grec, le mot Iora est un nom aux bébés qui se signifient: pur, simple, parfait. -
- Order: Passeriformes
Larks are passerine birds of the family Alaudidae.
- Order: Passeriformes
Alcippeidae is a monotypic family of passerine birds of the order Passeriformes.
Many species of this family were previously placed in families Pellorneidae or Timaliidae.Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.
- Order: Passeriformes
Artamidae is a family of passerine birds found in Australia, the Indo-Pacific region, and Southern Asia.
Birds of Vietnam by Order
This is a list of bird species in Vietnam by order.
- Order: Passeriformes
Calyptomenidae is a family of passerine birds found in Africa, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo.
- Order: Passeriformes
Campephagidae containing the cuckooshrikes and allies is a family of passerine birds found in the subtropical and tropical Africa, Asia and Australasia.
Cuckooshrikes are not closely related to either the cuckoos or to the shrikes.Campephagidae: New Latin, from Campephaga, type genus (from Greek kampē caterpillar + New Latin -phaga) + -idae; 'Phago' is a term used as a prefix in Latin meaning 'Eating' or 'swallowing'. Phago ultimately comes from the Greek phageîn, which means “to eat, devour.”
- Order: Passeriformes
Cettiidae is a newly validated family of small insectivorous songbirds ("warblers"), formerly placed in the Old World warbler "wastebin" assemblage. It contains the typical bush warblers (Cettia) and their relatives. As a common name, cettiid warblers is usually used.
Cettiidae: Cettia from Francesco Cetti.
- Ordre: Passeriformes
Les Cettiidae (ou cettiidés en français) sont une famille de passereaux constituée de 7 genres et de 32 espèces.
Cettiidae: Cettia vient du nom Francesco Cetti. -
- Order: Passeriformes
Cinclidae, which is comprised of one genus Cinclus, is a bird family of the order Passeriformes. A study in 2002 showed that the dipper family, Cinclidae, is most closely related to the thrush family, Turdidae.
- Order: Passeriformes
The family Cisticolidae is a group of about 160 warblers, small passerine birds found mainly in warmer southern regions of the Old World.
Formerly included within the Old World warbler family Sylviidae.
The name Cisticoladae from Cisticola, which is from Ancient Greek kisthos, "rock-rose", and Latin colere, "to dwell".... cisticola). -
- Ordre: Passeriformes
Les Cisticolidae sont une famille de passereaux qui se trouvent dans le sud du Monde Vieux dans les régions chaudes.
Le nom Cisticoladae vient du mot Cisticola, qui est d'origine du mot grec ancien kisthos, "rose à pierre", et le mot latin colere, "habiter". -
- Ordre: Passeriformes
Les corvidés (Corvidae) constituent une famille de passereaux comprenant 25 genres et 130 espèces de corbeaux, corneilles, pies, témias et geais.
Corvina ( Coracina), corvina: du latin corvinus comme un corbeau (corvus: corbeau). -
- Order: Passeriformes
The flowerpeckers, once included in an enlarged sunbird family Nectariniidae, are a family, Dicaeidae, of passerine birds.
Dicaeidae, Dicaeum: Greek dikaion supposedly an Indian bird mentioned by Aelianus.
- Order: Passeriformes
The buntings are a group of Old World passerine birds forming the genus Emberiza, the only genus in the family Emberizidae.
- Order: Passeriformes
The Eurylaimidae are a family of suboscine passerine birds of the order Passeriformes. The birds are found from the eastern Himalayas to Indonesia and the Philippines. The birds of the family are commonly called broadbill.
The name means 'broad throat', from the Greek eurus ('broad, wide') and laimos ('throat').
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