Forest at the entrance to Tam Dao National Park

Tam Dao National Park with 36,883 hectares in area is in Vinh Phuc Province, 80 km north Hanoi, 23km from Vinh Yen City. Tam Dao is adjacent to Thai Nguyen and Tuyen Quang Provinces. Most of the area of Tam Dao is covered in forest or primeval forest.

Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam
There are a few peaks at Tam Dao National Park which are more than 1,300m above sea level


Tam Dao means “Three Islands” indicating the three mountain peaks in the Tam Dao National Park: Phu Nghia (Rung Rinh, 1,350m), Thien Thi (1,375m), Thach Ban (1,388m). The whole mountain range is 80km long and 10-15km wide. The terrain of the Tam Dao National Park ranges from 100m to 1,591m above sea level, the mountain range runs northwest-southeast and higher to the northwest. The mountain range of Tam Dao is surrounded mostly by flat plains and the views from the mountain peaks are spectacular.

Tam Dao National Park, Vinh PhucThe pine forest at Tam Dao National Park

Weather and Climate 

It rains a lot in Tam Dao from late April through October which account for 90% of the annual rainfall. Rainfall at Tam Dao may reach 2,600mm per year. The highest temperatures in the hill station of Tam Dao are 22-23oC and often found in July, and the coldest ones are from freezing point to below 10oC which are often found in the winter in December-January. The area of the Tam Dao Mountain has high humidity ranging from above 80% to above 90%.

Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc
Thanks to the high elevation and cool climate, the French built Tam Dao into a hill station in 1904 with villas and hotels

Flora and Fauna

The Tam Dao National Park is home to 1,282 floral species with 64 indigenous species and 64 rare and endangered species. The national park has 77 animal species, 280 species of birds, 180 reptile sand amphibian species, 362 butterfly species.

The Silver Waterfall at the Tam Dao National Park
The Silver Waterfall at the Tam Dao National Park

Tam Dao Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel