Pha Din Pass between Dien Bien and Son La

Dien Bien Phu Holiday Weather today

Date/time of update: March 9, 2025, 12:25 am, Timezone: GMT+7
Clear Sky

Temperature: 15.94°C
Temperature feels like: 15.94°C
Minimum Temperature: 15.94°C
Maximum Temperature: 15.94°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1017hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 0.9m/sec
Wind Direction: 98 degrees
Cloudiness: 1%
Sunrise: 2025-03-08 11:22:11
Sunset: 2025-03-09 11:15:06

The Pha Din Pass is 32km in length connecting Thuan Chau District of Son La Province and Tuan Giao District of Dien Bien Province. The highest point of the pass is over 1,000m above sea level.

Pha Din in local Thai language means Earth and Heaven meaning the meeting place between the Earth and the Heaven. In 2005, there was another route lower than the old Route 6 on the Pha Din Pass with the total length of 26km which facilitates traffic through the mountain.

Mountainscape at the base of the  Pha Din Pass on the Son La side
Mountainscape at the base of the Pha Din Pass on the Son La side


A wide view of the Pha Din Pass in Son La Province
A wide view of the Pha Din Pass in Son La Province
Breathtaking nature viewed from the top of the Pha Din Pass on a sunny day
Breathtaking nature viewed from the top of the Pha Din Pass on a sunny day

The Pha Din Pass was among the most bombed area during the Battle of Dien Bien Phu and it was the main supply route for the Viet Minh during the course of the battle. The ending point of the Pha Din Pass in Dien Bien Province is 84km from Dien Bien Phu City. The ending point in Son La Province is 66km from Son La City.

The Pha Din Pass on the Dien Bien side
The Pha Din Pass on the Dien Bien side


Mountains viewed from the Pha Din Pass in Tuan Giao, Dien Bien
Mountains viewed from the Pha Din Pass in Tuan Giao, Dien Bien


The base of the Pha Din Pass in Tuan Giao District, Dien Bien
The base of the Pha Din Pass in Tuan Giao District, Dien Bien

Dien Bien Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel