Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve, Saigon

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Date/time of update: February 23, 2025, 8:06 am, Timezone: GMT+7
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Temperature: 30.04°C
Temperature feels like: 34.89°C
Minimum Temperature: 29.01°C
Maximum Temperature: 30.04°C
Atmospheric pressure: 1010hPa
Visibility: 10000m
Wind speed: 2.68m/sec
Wind Direction: 14 degrees
Cloudiness: 40%
Sunrise: 2025-02-22 11:11:02
Sunset: 2025-02-23 11:02:45

Can Gio is a district of Ho Chi Minh City. Can Gio is composed of different islands separated by tributaries of the Saigon River (Dong Nai River), the Vam Co River and the East Vietnam Sea. The district is 60km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City. Most of the islands of Can Gio are covered by mangrove forests.

Environmental Importance

Can Gio Mangrove Forest is listed by the UNESCO to the Global Biosphere Reserves thanks to its important role to the environment, its role as habitats for extremely rich floral and faunal species: high number of different species of mangroves, mangrove-dwelling species, .. The typical fauna at Can Gio includes: King Cobra, salt water crocodile, spot-billed pelican, fishing cat.

Sea of Can Gio in Saigon Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam
Sea of Can Gio in Saigon Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

The diverse habitats at Can Gio include mangroves, wetlands, salt marshes, mud flats and seagrasses. The ecosystem of Can Gio is formed by sediments from the rivers, sea water, rainfall, humidity and stable temperatures all year round. If the conditions change, then it may lead to disastrous consequences to the natural habitats and the inhabiting species.


Can Gio has a tropical monsoon climate with the rainy season from May through October and dry season from November through April. The annual rainfall at Can Gio ranges from 1,300-1,400mm per annum.

Mangrove forest by a river at Can Gio Vietnam
Mangrove forest by a river at Can Gio Vietnam

The flora and fauna at Can Gio Mangrove Forest

The forest is home to 157 floral species of which 35 species grow in brackish water.

There are 70 invertebrate aquatic species, 137 fish species, 31 reptile species (Asian water monitor, salt water crocodile, reticulated python).

There are 130 bird species (Grey heron, spot-billed pelican, painted stork, lesser adjutant, black-winged stilt) and 19 animal species (fishing cat, wild cat, macaque, porcupine, Asian palm civet).

The bird nesting season is from April through October during which time you can go bird watching. For the rest of the year, Vam Sat is closed to the visitors to protect the few species left.

A zebra dove on a street of Can Gio Vietnam
A zebra dove on a street of Can Gio Vietnam

What to see, Tourists Attractions in Can Gio

1/ Bird Park (Tram Chim)

You can watch the birds from the observation tower or go on an electric boat gliding through the bird park. The bird park is open only during the nesting season (May-October).

A zebra dove on a street of Can Gio Vietnam
A zebra dove on a street of Can Gio Vietnam

2/ Monkey Island

Monkey Island is home to over 1,000 macaques which may steal your belongings during your visit if you are not careful. You can feed them and interact with them.

3/ Crocodile Farm

You can feed them, learn about their habits and the hatching process. There are both fresh water and salt water crocodiles in the lake.

4/ Bat Swamp

Bat Swamp (Greater Asiatic Yellow Bat) is on a swamp with several wild bats that eat only fruits and their wing span is 1m wide..

5/ Rung Sac Guerrilla Base (1966-1975)

The commando force of Rung Sac fought 400 battles with over 1,000 sacrificed their lives. You’ll learn how they made fresh water from brackish water, how they launched the attacks on the vicinity of Saigon,...

A beautiful road through mangrove forest near Rung Sac at Can Gio
A beautiful road through mangrove forest near Rung Sac at Can Gio

How to get there and how to get around

You can travel to Can Gio by road or by boat. To get around Can Gio, you can hire boat, speedboat or scooters.

AdventureGreen arranges day tours, nature tours, bird watching tours to the Can Gio Mangrove Biosphere Reserve for 1 or 2 days.

Tan Son Nhat Average Monthly Rainfalls and Temperatures

Vietnam Adventure Travel