The gallopheasants (genus Lophura) are pheasants of the family Phasianidae.
The genus comprises 11 species and several subspecies.
Several species in this genus are known as firebacks, including crestless and crested firebacks, as well as the Siamese fireback.
1/ Siamese fireback (Gà lôi hông tía, Lophura diardi), also known as Diard's fireback
2/ Vietnamese pheasant (Gà lôi lam đuôi trắng, Lophura hatinhensis), or Vietnam fireback,
formerly considered a species of gallopheasant, Lophura hatinhensis, but is now considered a variant of Edward's pheasant.
Endemic to central Vietnam. Its range concentrates around Kẻ Gỗ Nature Reserve in Hà Tĩnh Province.
3/ The imperial pheasant (Gà lôi lam mào đen, Lophura imperialis) is a gallopheasant from Southeast Asia.
it is actually a cross of Edwards's pheasant and the silver pheasant (L. nycthemera subsp. annamensis), a hybrid.
4/ Edwards's pheasant (Gà lôi lam mào trắng, Lophura edwardsi)
endemic to the seasonal tropical forests of central Vietnam.
5/ Silver pheasant (Gà lôi trắng, Lophura nycthemera)
was placed in the genus Phasianus.
For some time it was placed either in Euplocamus or Gennceus.
Today all major authorities place the silver pheasant in Lophura.