Featured in AdventureGreen's Myanmar tourism, you can find information for tourist attractions, tourist spots in Myanmar. The tourist sites can be a temple, a museum, an architecture, a beach, a national park….that we thought could be of interest to the travelers and that detailed information should provided. Isn't it just a lovely experience leaving a country having obtained lots of knowledge of the places and the people?

The Inle Lake is located in the mountains of Shan State Myanmar (Burma) with cool climate all year round. The serene lake and its tranquil environment are ideal for relaxing holidays. Besides, the area around the Inle Lake is inhabited by the Intha, Shan, Pa-O, Danu, Taung-yo and Kayah ethnic peoples. A trip to the Inle Lake could provides lots of unique cultural experiences. If you love more active vacations at Inle, then there are many ethnic villages, stupas, pagodas and monasteries in the hills that you can trek and hike to. So, Inle is a place that seems suitable for most travel interests.