Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Bird Watching, Family Tours
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
Ficedula is a genus of passerine birds in the family Muscicapidae.
The genus name is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
1/ Yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia, Đớp ruồi vàng), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcher
xanthos,-E,-on, yellow of various shades, golden or pale yellow; also red-yellow, chestnut, auburn
-py·ga. ˈpīgə variants or -pygia. ˈpijēə : creature having (such) a rump.2/ Narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina, Đớp ruồi lưng vàng)
3/ Mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki, Đớp ruồi Mugi)
The name "mugimaki" comes from Japanese and means "wheat-sower".4/ Taiga flycatcher or red-throated flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla, Đớp ruồi Taiga)
The specific name albicilla is from Latin albus, white, and Neo-Latin cilla tail; this meaning of cilla arose from a misunderstanding of motacilla, the name for the wagtail.5/ Snowy-Browed Flycatcher (Ficedula hyperythra)
Đớp ruồi mày trắng6/ Little Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni)
Đớp ruồi đen mày trắng -
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
Le genre Ficedula comprend 31 espèces de gobemouches, espèces d'oiseaux appartenant à la famille des Muscicapidae.
Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
1/ Gobemouche à croupion jaune
Becfigue à croupion jaune, Gobemouche de Corée, Gobemouche doré
Yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia, Đớp ruồi vàng), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcher
xanthos,-E,-on, yellow of various shades, golden or pale yellow; also red-yellow, chestnut, auburn
-py·ga. ˈpīgə variants or -pygia. ˈpijēə : creature having (such) a rump.2/ Narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina, Đớp ruồi lưng vàng)
3/ Mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki, Đớp ruồi Mugi)
The name "mugimaki" comes from Japanese and means "wheat-sower".4/ Taiga flycatcher or red-throated flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla, Đớp ruồi Taiga)
The specific name albicilla is from Latin albus, white, and Neo-Latin cilla tail; this meaning of cilla arose from a misunderstanding of motacilla, the name for the wagtail.5/ Snowy-Browed Flycatcher (Ficedula hyperythra)
Đớp ruồi mày trắng6/ Little Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni)
Đớp ruồi đen mày trắng7/ Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher (Ficedula strophiata)
Đớp ruồi họng hung -
Gobemouche à bavette orange
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche à bavette orange
Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher
(Ficedula strophiata)
Đớp ruồi họng hungGobemouche à bavette orange (Ficedula strophiata) est une espèce de passereau de la famille des Muscicapidae.
Cet oiseau se trouve à l'Inde, au sous-continent indien, en Asie du Sud-Est, au Bangladesh, au Bhoutan, àHong Kong, au Laos, Myanmar, Népal, Vietnam et en Thaïlande.Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
strophianus, strophiata, strophiatus: du latin strophium bande de sangle ( du grec strophion bande de sangle). -
Gobemouche à croupion jaune
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche à croupion jaune
Becfigue à croupion jaune, Gobemouche de Corée, Gobemouche doré
Yellow-rumped flycatcher
(Ficedula zanthopygia, Đớp ruồi vàng), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcherLe Gobemouche à croupion jaune (Ficedula zanthopygia) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Muscicapidae originaire de l'Asie.
Cet oiseau se reproduit en Asie orientale, y compris les parties de la Mongolie, Transbaïkalie, sud de la Chine, la Corée et l'ouest du Japon. Il passe l'hiver dans certaines parties de la péninsule malaise et sud de l'Asie.
Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
xanthos de la couleur jaune, ou dorée, de couleur jaune pâle; aussi marron.
-py·ga. ˈpīgə ou -pygia. ˈpijēə : avec croupion comme. -
Gobemouche de la taïga
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche de la taïga
Taiga flycatcher
or red-throated flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla, Đớp ruồi Taiga)Gobemouche de la taïga (Ficedula albicilla) est une espèce d'oiseaux migratoire des Muscicapidae.
Cet oiseau se produit en Eurasie du Nord: de la Russie de l'Est à la Sibérie, Mongolie. Il hiverne en Asie du Sud et Sud-Est: Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Inde, Cambodge, Laos, Myanmar, Népal, Malaisie, Thaïlande, Chine, Vietnam, Japon.Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
Le nom spécifique albicilla vient du latin albus, blanc, et cilla queue; -
Gobemouche givré
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche givré
Snowy-Browed Flycatcher
(Ficedula hyperythra)
Đớp ruồi mày trắngGobemouche givré (Ficedula hyperythra) est une espèce asiatique de petits passereaux de la famille des Muscicapidae.
Trait: Male: white above and in the front of the eyes.
Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
hyperythra, hyperythrus grec hupo sous, dessous; eruthros rouge; grec huperuthros rougeâtre (hupo un peu comme, quelque peu comme; eruthros rouge). -
Gobemouche mugimaki
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche mugimaki
Mugimaki Flycatcher
(Ficedula mugimaki, Đớp ruồi Mugi)Le Gobemouche mugimaki (Ficedula mugimaki) est une espèce asiatique de petits passereaux de la famille des Muscicapidae.
Cet oiseau se rencontre au Brunei, au Cambodge, en Chine, en Corée du Nord, en Corée du Sud, à Hong Kong, en Indonésie, au Laos, en Malaisie, en Mongolie, aux Philippines, en Russie, à Taïwan, à Singapour, en Thaïlande et au Viêt Nam.
Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
Le nom "mugimaki" vient du japonais qui veut dire "Semeur de blé". -
Gobemouche narcisse
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche narcisse
Narcissus flycatcher
(Ficedula narcissina, Đớp ruồi lưng vàng)Gobemouche narcisse (Ficedula narcissina) une espèce d'oiseaux des Muscicapidae.
Cet oiseau est natif du paléarctique oriental, de l'île de Sakhaline à travers le Japon, la Corée, la Chine continentale, etvle Taiwan.
Cet oiseau hiverne au Asie du Sud-Est: les Philippines, le Vietnam, l'île de Bornéo.La période d'accouplement à l'Asie du Sud-Est commençant en mai.
Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
L'épithète d'espèce narcissina vient du latin narcissus une fleur se référant à la couleur jaune sur la gorge des mâles. -
Gobemouche pie
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Muscicapidae
- Genre: Ficedula
Gobemouche pie
Little Pied Flycatcher
(Ficedula westermanni)
Đớp ruồi đen mày trắngLe Gobemouche pie (Ficedula westermanni) est une espèce de passereau de la famille des Muscicapidae.
Cet oiseau se trouve au Bangladesh, Bhoutan, en Birmanie, au Cambodge, en Chine, Inde, Indonésie, au Laos, en Malaisie, au Népal, aux Philippines, en Thaïlande et au Vietnam.Le nom du genre Ficedula vient du latin se référant un oiseau qui se nourrit de la figue (ficus, "figue, figuer").
Little Pied Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Little Pied Flycatcher
(Ficedula westermanni)
Đớp ruồi đen mày trắngThe little pied flycatcher (Ficedula westermanni) is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae.
The genus name Ficedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
Mugimaki Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Mugimaki Flycatcher
(Ficedula mugimaki, Đớp ruồi Mugi)The mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki) is a small passerine bird of eastern Asia belonging to the genus Ficedula in the Old World flycatcher family, Muscicapidae.
The genus name Ficedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
The name "mugimaki" comes from Japanese and means "wheat-sower". -
Narcissus Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Narcissus flycatcher
(Ficedula narcissina, Đớp ruồi lưng vàng)The narcissus flycatcher (Ficedula narcissina) is a passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family.
The bird is native to the East Palearctic, from Sakhalin to the north, through Japan across through Korea, mainland China, and Taiwan and winters in southeast Asia, including the Philippines, Vietnam and Borneo.The bird mates in Southeast Asia starting from early May.
The genus name Ficedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
The specific epithet narcissina is from narcissus flowers referring the the yellow colors on the throat of the male. -
Pygmy Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Pygmy flycatcher
(Ficedula hodgsoni)The pygmy flycatcher (Ficedula hodgsoni), also known as the pygmy blue-flycatcher, is a bird species of the family Muscicapidae.
The genus name is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
Rufous-Gorgeted Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Rufous-gorgeted flycatcher
(Ficedula strophiata)
Đớp ruồi họng hungThe rufous-gorgeted flycatcher (Ficedula strophiata) is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae.
The bird is found in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Hong Kong, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam.The genus name Ficedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
strophianus, strophiata, strophiatus: Latin strophium breast-band ( Greek strophion breast-band). -
Snowy-Browed Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Snowy-Browed Flycatcher
(Ficedula hyperythra)
Đớp ruồi mày trắngThe snowy-browed flycatcher is a species of bird in the family Muscicapidae.
The genus name is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
Trait: Male: white above and in the front of the eyes.
Taiga flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Taiga flycatcher
or red-throated flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla, Đớp ruồi Taiga)The taiga flycatcher or red-throated flycatcher (Ficedula albicilla) is a migratory bird in the family Muscicapidae.
The bird breeds in northern Eurasia from eastern Russia to Siberia and Mongolia. It is a winter visitor to South and South-east Asia in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Vietnam, and Japan.
The genus name Picedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
The specific name albicilla is from Latin albus, white, and Neo-Latin cilla tail; this meaning of cilla arose from a misunderstanding of motacilla, the name for the wagtail. -
Yellow-Rumped Flycatcher
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Muscicapidae
- Genus: Ficedula
Yellow-rumped flycatcher
(Ficedula zanthopygia, Đớp ruồi vàng), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcherThe yellow-rumped flycatcher (Ficedula zanthopygia), also known as Korean flycatcher or tricolor flycatcher, is a species of flycatcher found in eastern Asia.
The bird breeds in eastern Asia including parts of Mongolia, Transbaikal, southern China, Korea and western Japan; and winters in parts of the Malay Peninsula and South Asia.
The genus name Ficedula is from Latin and refers to a small fig-eating bird (ficus, "fig") supposed to change into the blackcap in winter.
xanthos,-E,-on, yellow of various shades, golden or pale yellow; also red-yellow, chestnut, auburn
-py·ga. ˈpīgə variants or -pygia. ˈpijēə : creature having (such) a rump.