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- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
Arborophila is a bird genus in the family Phasianidae.
The genus has the second most members within the Galliformes after Pternistis, although Arborophila species vary very little in bodily proportions with different species varying only in colouration/patterning and overall size.Phasianidae from Phasianus: Latin for "pheasant", derived from the Ancient Greek φἀσιἀνος, phāsiānos, meaning "(bird) of the Phasis", the River Phasis (now the Rioni) in Colchis on the east coast of the Black Sea (now western Georgia).
Arborophila: the Latin arbor, arboris meaning "tree" with the Ancient Greek philos meaning "-loving".1/ Orange-necked partridge (Gà so cổ hung/cam, Arborophila davidi)
2/ Common hill partridge, necklaced hill partridge, or simply hill partridge (Gà so họng đen, Arborophila torqueola)
3/ Rufous-throated partridge (Gà so họng hung, Arborophila rufogularis)
4/ Bar-backed partridge (Gà so họng trắng, Arborophila brunneopectus), also known as the brown-breasted hill-partridge -
- Ordre: Galliformes
- Famille: Phasianidae
Arborophila est un genre d'oiseaux de la famille des Phasianidae, dont les espèces sont appelées torquéoles.
galliformes vient du mot latin "gallus" pour "coq".
Phasianidae qui vient du mot latin Phasianus pour "faisant", d'origine du mot grec φἀσιἀνος, phāsiānos, signifiant "l'oiseau du Phasis", le fleuve Phasis (maintenant le Rioni) à Colchis sur le côte est de la mer Noire (maintenant à l'ouest de la Géorgie).
Arborophila: le mot latin arbor, arboris signifiant "abre" et mot grec ancien philos signifiant "aimant, qui aime".1/ Torquéole de David
Orange-necked partridge (Gà so cổ hung/cam, Arborophila davidi)
2/ Torquéole à collier
Common hill partridge, necklaced hill partridge, or simply hill partridge (Gà so họng đen, Arborophila torqueola)
3/ Torquéole à gorge rousse
Rufous-throated partridge (Gà so họng hung, Arborophila rufogularis)
4/ Torquéole à poitrine brune
Bar-backed partridge (Gà so họng trắng, Arborophila brunneopectus), also known as the brown-breasted hill-partridge -
- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
Francolins are birds in the tribe Gallini that traditionally have been placed in the genus Francolinus, but now commonly are divided into multiple genera.
Gallini is a tribe of bird in the subfamily Phasianinae including:
- the bamboo partridges,
- francolins and junglefowl (including the chicken).1/ The Chinese francolin (Đa đa or Gà gô, Francolinus pintadeanus) or Burmese francolin
Junglefowl, Phasianidae, Gallus, Ga Rung, Ho Tri
Gallus is a bird genus in the family Phasianidae, the type species is the red junglefowl.
The red junglefowl and common pheasant are now known to have diverged about 18–23 million years ago, and belong to different subfamilies.1/ Red junglefowl (Gà rừng lông đỏ, Gallus gallus)
Partridge, Phasianidae, Bambusicola, Ga So, Ho Tri
The genus Bambusicola in the family Phasianidae includes bamboo partridges, sometimes called ridge partridges which are medium-sized non-migratory birds.
1/ Mountain bamboo partridge (Gà so, Bambusicola fytchii)
- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
Pheasants are birds of several genera within the family Phasianidae in the order Galliformes. Pavo is a genus of two species in the pheasant family.
1/ Green peafowl or Indonesian peafowl (Công, Pavo muticus)
A pair of green peafowls at Cuc Phuong National Park in Ninh Binh -
- Order: Galliformes
The Phasianidae are a family of heavy, ground-living birds, which includes
1/ pheasants,
2/ partridges,
3/ junglefowl,
4/ chickens,
5/ turkeys,
6/ Old World quail,
7/ and peafowl.A male Green Peafowl at Cuc Phuong -
- Ordre: Galliformes
La famille des Phasianidae regroupe des oiseaux gallinacés comme les perdrix, les cailles, les faisans, les paons et les espèces apparentées.
1/ Faisants,
2/ perdrix,
3/ junglefowl,
4/ poulets,
5/ dindes,
6/ cailles,
7/ paon.galliformes vient du mot latin "gallus" pour "coq".
Phasianidae qui vient du mot latin Phasianus pour "faisant", d'origine du mot grec φἀσιἀνος, phāsiānos, signifiant "l'oiseau du Phasis", le fleuve Phasis (maintenant le Rioni) à Colchis sur le côte est de la mer Noire (maintenant à l'ouest de la Géorgie. ). -
Pheasant, Phasianidae, Phasianus, Ho Tri
The "typical" pheasant genus Phasianus in the family Phasianidae consists of two species. The genus name is Latin for pheasant.
1/ Common pheasant (Trĩ đỏ, Phasianus colchicus), also Ring-necked pheasant
Pheasant, Phasianidae, Tragopan, Ga Loi, Ho Tri
Tragopan is a bird genus in the pheasant family Phasianidae.
Member of the genus are commonly called "horned pheasants" because males have two brightly colored, fleshy horns on their head that can be erected during courtship displays.1/ Temminck's tragopan (Gà lôi tía, Tragopan temminckii)
The peacock-pheasants are a bird genus, Polyplectron, of the family Phasianidae, consisting of eight species.
1/ Germain's peacock-pheasant (Gà tiền mặt đỏ, Polyplectron germaini)
2/ Grey peacock-pheasant (Gà tiền xám or Gà tiền mặt vàng, Polyplectron bicalcaratum), also known as Burmese peacock-pheasant -
Quail, Phasianidae, Coturnix, Ho Tri
Coturnix is a genus of five extant species and five to eight known extinct species of Old World quail.
1/ Rain quail or black-breasted quail ( Cay Ấn Độ or Cút mưa, Coturnix coromandelica)
2/ Japanese quail (Cay Nhật Bản, Coturnix japonica) -
Quail, Phasianidae, Synoicus, Ho Tri
Synoicus is a genus of 4 species of Old World quail.
Two of the four species in the genus were originally classified in Excalfactoria, one was classified in Anurophasis, and one was classified in Coturnix.1/ King quail (Cay Trung Quốc, Synoicus chinensis), also known as the blue-breasted quail, Asian blue quail, Chinese painted quail, or Chung-Chi
The species has had a complex taxonomic history, being classified into the genus Coturnix, then Synoicus, then Excalfactoria. Phylogenetic evidence supports it belonging in an expanded Synoicus. -
- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
Rheinardia is a genus Phasianus in the family Phasianidae.
1/ Vietnamese Crested argus (Trĩ sao, Rheinartia ocellata)
- Order: Galliformes
- Family: Phasianidae
Tropicoperdix is a genus of three species of birds in the pheasant family, Phasianidae, referred to as East Asian forest partridges.
Phasianidae from Phasianus: Latin for "pheasant", derived from the Ancient Greek φἀσιἀνος, phāsiānos, meaning "(bird) of the Phasis", the River Phasis (now the Rioni) in Colchis on the east coast of the Black Sea (now western Georgia).
trópico m (plural trópicos), tropic (either of the two parallels north and south of the equator);
Perdix (Ancient Greek: Πέρδιξ means "partridge";1/ Green-legged partridge (Gà so ngực gụ, Tropicoperdix chloropus), also known as the scaly-breasted partridge or green-legged hill-partridge
2/ Vietnam partridge, Annam partridge, or Annam hill partridge (Gà so trung bộ, Tropicoperdix chloropus merlini)
Now usually considered a subspecies of the green-legged partridge (Tropicoperdix chloropus).
It is endemic to Vietnam in the dense moist lowland forests of central Vietnam (once called Annam).3/ Chestnut-necklaced partridge (Gà so vòng cổ, Tropicoperdix charltonii)
- Ordre: Galliformes
- Famille: Phasianidae
Tropicoperdix est un genre d'oiseaux de la famille des Phasianidae, dont les espèces sont appelées torquéoles.
galliformes vient du mot latin "gallus" pour "coq".
Phasianidae qui vient du mot latin Phasianus pour "faisant", d'origine du mot grec φἀσιἀνος, phāsiānos, signifiant "l'oiseau du Phasis", le fleuve Phasis (maintenant le Rioni) à Colchis sur le côte est de la mer Noire (maintenant à l'ouest de la Géorgie).
trópico m (pluriel trópicos), tropic (either of les parallèles entre le nord et sud de l'équateur);
Perdix (grec ancien: Πέρδιξ signifiant "perdrix";1/ Torquéole des bois
Green-legged partridge (Gà so ngực gụ, Tropicoperdix chloropus), also known as the scaly-breasted partridge or green-legged hill-partridge2/
Vietnam partridge, Annam partridge, or Annam hill partridge (Gà so trung bộ, Tropicoperdix chloropus merlini)
Now usually considered a subspecies of the green-legged partridge (Tropicoperdix chloropus).
It is endemic to Vietnam in the dense moist lowland forests of central Vietnam (once called Annam).3/ Torquéole à poitrine châtaine
Chestnut-necklaced partridge (Gà so vòng cổ, Tropicoperdix charltonii)