Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Bird Watching, Family Tours


  • Birds of Vietnam by Order

    This is a list of bird species in Vietnam by order.

  • Megalaimidae

    Les Megalaimidae (ou mégalaimidés) sont une famille d'oiseaux nommés barbus. Elle comprend 3 genres et 30 espèces.

    (Studies show that Psilopogon to be nested within the clade of Megalaima, nearly all members of the family are now in the genus Psilopogon, with the exception of those in Caloramphus)

    Piciformes, picidae, picus: du latin pic; du grec pikos: pic.
    Megalaima: du grec ‘gorge large’; megalos: grande, large; laimos gorge.

  • Piciformes

    The order Piciformes, the best-known of them being the Picidae, which includes the woodpeckers and close relatives, includes nine families of largely arboreal birds.
    1/ Woodpecker
    2/ Barbet 
    3/ Toucans
    4/ Toucan-barbets
    5/ Honeyguides
    6/ Jacamars 
    7/ Puffbirds 

    Piciformes, picidae, picus: woodpecker

  • Piciformes

    Les Piciformes sont un ordre d'oiseaux largement arboricoles qui comprend neuf familles: pics et proches.
    1/ Pics, torcols, picumnes
    2/ Barbu
    3/ Toucans
    4/ Toucan-barbets
    5/ Honeyguides
    6/ Jacamars 
    7/ Barbacou

    Piciformes, picidae, picus: pic, pic-bois.

Vietnam Adventure Travel