Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Cycling, Family Tours


  • Chrysomma

    Chrysomma is a songbird genus, closely related to the parrotbills, and is a member of the family Paradoxornithidae.
    The genus name combines the Ancient Greek khrusos meaning "gold" and omma meaning "eye".

    1/ Yellow-eyed babbler (Hoa mi mỏ ngắn, Hoa mi mat vang, Chrysomma sinense)

  • Fulvetta

    Fulvetta est un genre de passereaux de la famille des Paradoxornithidae de l'ordre des Passeriformes. 

    Paradoxornithidae: surprenant, oiseaux du paradoxe; mot grec paradoxos extraordinaire; ornis oiseau.
    Fulvetta: probablement vient du mot latin fulvus: fauve, d'un brun jaunâtre.

    1/ Grey-hooded fulvetta (Lách tách mũ xám, Fulvetta cinereiceps)

    2/ White-browed fulvetta (Lách tách mày trắng, Fulvetta vinipectus)

    3/ Spectacled fulvetta (Lách tách ngực nâu, Lách tách bốn mắt, Fulvetta ruficapilla)

    4/ Rufous-throated fulvetta (Schoeniparus rufogularis)
    Lách tách họng hung

    5/ Fulvetta de Danis
    Indochinese fulvetta (Fulvetta danisi)
    Lách tách ngực nâu, Lách tách Đông Dương

  • Lioparus

    Lioparus is a genus of passerine birds in the family Paradoxornithidae of the order Passeriformes. 

    Paradoxornithidae: puzzling, paradox bird; Greek paradoxos extraordinary; ornis bird.
    Lioparus: Greek leios smooth; Latin Parus: tit.

    1/ Golden-breasted fulvetta (Lách tách ngực vàng, Lioparus chrysotis)

  • Lioparus

    Lioparus est en genre des passereaux de la famille Paradoxornithidae de l'ordre Passeriformes. 

    Paradoxornithidae: surprenant, oiseaux du paradoxe; mot grec paradoxos extraordinaire; ornis oiseau.
    Lioparus: grec leios lisse, doux; mot latin Parus: mésange.

    1/ Fulvetta à poitrine dorée
    Golden-breasted fulvetta (Lách tách ngực vàng, Lioparus chrysotis)

  • Paradoxornis

    Paradoxornis is a genus of passerine birds in the family Paradoxornithidae of the order Passeriformes.

    1/ Spot-breasted parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt cằm đen, Paradoxornis guttaticollis)

    2/ Grey-headed parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt đầu xám, Paradoxornis gularis)

    3/ White-breasted parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt to, Paradoxornis ruficeps)

    4/ Black-headed parrotbill 
    (Paradoxornis margaritae)
    Khướu mỏ dẹt đầu đen

    5/ Rufous-headed parrotbill
    (Khướu mỏ dẹt to hay khướu mỏ dẹt đầu hung, Paradoxornis bakeri), or greater rufous-headed parrotbill

  • Paradoxornithidae

    The parrotbills are a family, Paradoxornithidae, of passerine birds that are primarily native to East, Southeast and South Asia, with a single species in western North America, though feral populations exist elsewhere. 

    Paradoxornithidae: puzzling, paradox bird; Greek paradoxos extraordinary; ornis bird.

  • Paradoxornithidae

    Les Paradoxornithidae sont une famille de passereaux qui sont endémique de l'Asie de l'Est, du Sud-Est, du Sud, avec une seule espèce dans l'ouest de l'Amérique du Nord.

    Paradoxornithidae: surprenant, oiseaux du paradoxe; mot grec paradoxos extraordinaire; ornis oiseau.

  • Suthora

    Suthora is a genus of parrotbills in the family Paradoxornithidae of the order    Passeriformes.

    1/ Vinous-throated parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt bé, Suthora webbiana) 
    The specific name webbiana commemorates the English botanist Philip Barker Webb. The species is sometimes referred to as Webb's parrotbill.

    2/ Short-tailed parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt đuôi ngắn, Suthora davidiana)

    3/ Black-throated parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt họng đen, Suthora nipalensis)

    4/ Ashy-throated parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt Vân Nam, Suthora alphonsiana)

    5/ Golden parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt vàng, Suthora verreauxi)

    6/ Brown-winged parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt cánh nâu, Suthora brunnea)

    7/ Pale-billed parrotbill (Khướu mỏ dẹt mỏ nhạt hay khướu mỏ dẹt mày đen hoặc khướu mỏ dẹt đầu hung nhỏ, Suthora atrosuperciliaris) 

    8/ Eye-ringed parrotbill (Suthora ricketti), also known as the Yunnan parrotbill

    The genus name Suthora is the Nepalese word for the black-throated parrotbill (Suthora nipalensis).

Vietnam Adventure Travel