Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Cycling, Family Tours
Aberrant Bush Warbler
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Cettiidae
- Genus: Horornis
Aberrant Bush-Warbler
(Chích mày vàng, Horornis flavolivaceus)The aberrant bush warbler (Horornis flavolivaceus) is a species in the bush warbler family, Cettiidae.
The bird is found in Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam, and also in northeastern and southeastern Bangladesh.
Horornis: Greek oros mountain; ornis bird.
The specific epithet flavolivaceus combines the Latin flavus meaning "yellow" with the Modern Latin olivaceus meaning "olive-green". -
Bouscarle chanteuse
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Cettiidae
- Genre: Horornis
Bouscarle chanteuse
Japanese Bush-Warbler
(Chim chích bụi Nhật Bản, Horornis diphone)La Bouscarle chanteuse (Horornis diphone) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Cettiidae.
Horornis: du grec oros montagne; ornis oiseau.
diphone du grec diphonos à multiples langues. -
Bouscarle de montagne
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Cettiidae
- Genre: Horornis
Bouscarle de montagne
Brown-flanked bush warbler
(Chích chân khỏe, Horornis fortipes)
Bouscarle de montagne (Horornis fortipes) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Cettiidae.
Cette espèce se trouve dans l'Himalaya, au sud de la Chine, et en Asie du Sud-Est.
Horornis: du grec oros montagne; ornis oiseau.
fortipes du latin fortis solide; pes pied, patte. -
Bouscarle jaune et vert
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Cettiidae
- Genre: Horornis
Bouscarle jaune et vert
Aberrant Bush-Warbler
(Chích mày vàng, Horornis flavolivaceus)Bouscarle jaune et vert (Horornis flavolivaceus) est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Cettiidae.
Cette espèce se trouve au Bhoutan, Bangladesh, Laos, Népal, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Vietnam, aux Philippines, en Chine, Inde, Indonesie, Malaysie, Thaïlande.Horornis: du grec oros montagne; ornis oiseau.
flavolivaceus du latin flavus signifiant "jaune" et olivaceus signifiant "vert-olive". -
Bouscarle mandchoue
- Ordre: Passeriformes
- Famille: Cettiidae
- Genre: Horornis
Bouscarle mandchoue
Manchurian bush warbler
(Horornis canturians), also known as Korean bush warblerBouscarle mandchoue (Horornis canturians), également appelée Bouscarle de Corée, est une espèce de passereaux de la famille des Cettiidae.
- Dark-eyelined, blackish-eyelined;
- Whitish-browed;Horornis: du grec oros montagne; ornis oiseau.
canturians: du latin canturians pépiement (cantus pépiement, cantare pépier, gazouiller). -
Brownish-flanked Bush Warbler
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Cettiidae
- Genus: Horornis
Brown-flanked bush warbler
(Chích chân khỏe, Horornis fortipes)
The brown-flanked bush warbler (Horornis fortipes), also known as the brownish-flanked bush warbler, is a species of bush-warbler of the family Cettiidae. The bird is found in Himalayas, South China and Southeast Asia.
Horornis: Greek oros mountain; ornis bird.
fortipes Latin fortis stout; pes foot. -
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Cettiidae
Horornis is a genus of small insectivorous songbirds ("warblers") which make up the core of the newly recognized family Cettiidae.
Japanese Bush-Warbler
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Cettiidae
- Genus: Horornis
Japanese Bush-Warbler
(Chim chích bụi Nhật Bản, Horornis diphone)
The Japanese bush warbler (Horornis diphone) is an Asian passerine bird more often heard than seen.
Horornis: Greek oros mountain; ornis bird.
diphone Greek diphonos many-tongued. -
Manchurian Bush Warbler
- Order: Passeriformes
- Family: Cettiidae
- Genus: Horornis
Manchurian bush warbler
(Horornis canturians), also known as Korean bush warblerThe Manchurian bush warbler (Horornis canturians), also known as Korean bush warbler, is a bird in the family Cettiidae.
- Dark-eyelined, blackish-eyelined;
- Whitish-browed;
Horornis: Greek oros mountain; ornis bird.
canturians: Latin canturians chirping (cantus singing, cantare to sing).