Vietnam Adventure Tours & Travel, Trekking, Bird Watching, Family Tours


  • Alcippe

    Alcippe is a genus of passerine birds in the monotypic family Alcippeidae of the order Passeriformes.

    The genus once included many other fulvettas and was previously placed in families Pellorneidae or Timaliidae.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.

    1/ Brown-cheeked fulvetta (Lách tách má nâu, Alcippe poioicephala) or brown-cheeked alcippe

    2/ Grey-cheeked fulvetta or Morrison's fulvetta (Lách tách má xám, Alcippe morrisonia)

    3/ Mountain fulvetta (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis)

    4/ Black-browed fulvetta (Alcippe grotei)
    Lách tách mày đen

    5/ David's fulvetta (Alcippe davidi)
    Lách tách má xám

  • Alcippe à joues brunes

    Alcippe à joues brunes 
    Brown-cheeked fulvetta 
    (Lách tách má nâu, Alcippe poioicephala) or brown-cheeked alcippe

    L'Alcippe à joues brunes (Alcippe poioicephala) est une espèce d'oiseaux passereaux de la famille des Alcippeidae.
    Cet oiseau vit en Asie du Sud et du Sud-Est, de l'Inde au Vietnam.
    Cet espèce n'est pas étroitement liée aux fulvettas typiques qui appartiennent de la famille des Paradoxornithidae.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: mythologie grecque Alcippe, fille de Aries, le dieu de la guerre.
    poioicephala du grec phaios sombre, brun; -kephalos à en-tête.

  • Alcippe à joues grises

    Alcippe à joues grises
    Grey-cheeked fulvetta 
    or Morrison's fulvetta (Lách tách má xám, Alcippe morrisonia)

    L'Alcippe à joues grises (Alcippe morrisonia) est une espèce d'oiseaux passereaux de la famille des Pellorneidae.
    Cet oiseau est endémique de Taïwan.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: mythologie grecque Alcippe, fille de Aries, le dieu de la guerre.

  • Alcippe bridé

    Alcippe bridé
    Mountain fulvetta 
    (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis)

    L'Alcippe bridé (Alcippe peracensis) est une espèce d'oiseaux passereaux de la famille des Alcippeidae.
    Cet oiseau vit au Cambodge, Laos, en Malaysie, Thaïlande, au Vietnam.

    - L'Alcippe bridé (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis): found above 900 m, white eyeing.
    - Alcippe de Grote (Lách tách mày đen, Alcippe grotei): found below 400 m, blur or no white eyeing.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: mythologie grecque Alcippe, fille de Aries, le dieu de la guerre.
    peracensis: l'état Perak, Malaysie.

  • Alcippe de David

    Alcippe de David
    David's fulvetta (Alcippe davidi)
    Lách tách má xám

    Alcippe de David (Alcippe davidi), endémique du sud de la Chine et du nord du Vietnam, est une espèce de la famille Alcippeidae, ou Alcippeidés.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: mythologie grecque Alcippe, fille de Aries, le dieu de la guerre.

  • Alcippe de Grote

    Alcippe de Grote
    Black-browed fulvetta 
    (Alcippe grotei)
    Lách tách mày đen

    L'Alcippe de Grote (Alcippe grotei) est une espèce d'oiseaux passereaux de la famille des Alcippeidae.
    Cet oiseau vit en Indochine (Vietnam, Laos et Cambodge) et Thaïlande.
    Plusieurs espèces de cette famille étaient Pellorneidae or Timaliidae.

    - L'Alcippe bridé (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis): found above 900 m, white eyeing.
    - Alcippe de Grote (Lách tách mày đen, Alcippe grotei): found below 400 m, blur or no white eyeing.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: mythologie grecque Alcippe, fille de Aries, le dieu de la guerre.

  • Black-Browed Fulvetta

    Black-browed fulvetta 
    (Alcippe grotei)
    Lách tách mày đen

    The black-browed fulvetta (Alcippe grotei) is a 15.5 to 16.5 cm long species of passerine bird in the family Alcippeidae.
    This bird species is found in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
    Many species of the family Alcippeidae were previously placed in families Pellorneidae or Timaliidae.

    - Mountain fulvetta (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis): found above 900 m, white eyeing.
    - black-browed fulvetta (Lách tách mày đen, Alcippe grotei): found below 400 m, blur or no white eyeing.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.

  • Brown-Cheeked Fulvetta

    Brown-cheeked fulvetta 
    (Lách tách má nâu, Alcippe poioicephala) or brown-cheeked alcippe

    The brown-cheeked fulvetta (Alcippe poioicephala) is a bird species belonging to the family Alcippeidae. 
    This species is not closely related to the typical fulvettas which belong to the family Paradoxornithidae.

    The brown-cheeked fulvetta is a resident breeding bird in Bangladesh, India and Southeast Asia.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.
    poioicephala Greek phaios dusky, brown; -kephalos -headed.

  • David's Fulvetta

    David's fulvetta (Alcippe davidi)
    Lách tách má xám

    David's fulvetta (Alcippe davidi), endemic to southern China and northern Vietnam, is a species of bird in the family Alcippeidae.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.

  • Grey-Cheeked Fulvetta

    Grey-cheeked fulvetta 
    or Morrison's fulvetta (Lách tách má xám, Alcippe morrisonia)

    The grey-cheeked fulvetta or Morrison's fulvetta (Alcippe morrisonia) is a bird in the family Alcippeidae.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.

  • Mountain Fulvetta

    Mountain fulvetta 
    (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis)

    The mountain fulvetta (Alcippe peracensis) is a species of bird in the Alcippeidae family. 
    The bird species is found in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam in subtropical or tropical moist montane forests.
    Many species of the family Alcippeidae were previously placed in families Pellorneidae or Timaliidae.

    - Mountain fulvetta (Lách tách vành mắt, Alcippe peracensis): found above 900 m, white eyeing.
    - black-browed fulvetta (Lách tách mày đen, Alcippe grotei): found below 400 m, blur or no white eyeing.

    Alcippeidae, Alcippe: Greek Mythology Alcippe, daughter of Aries the god of war.
    Perak State, Malaya or Malaysia.

Vietnam Adventure Travel