Strix is a genus of owls in the typical owl family (Strigidae). Common names are earless owls or wood owls, though they are not the only owls without ear tufts, and "wood owl" is also used for forest-dwelling owls. Neotropical birds in the genus Ciccaba are sometimes included in Strix.

Strigidae: The family for all Owls except Barn Owls, derived from "Strix", a Latin word for owl (also the same in Greek).

1/ Brown wood owl (Hù, Strix leptogrammica)
2/ Tawny owl (Hù nivicon, Cú vàng nâu, Strix aluco), also called the brown owl
3/ Spotted wood owl  (Hù phương đông, Strix seloputo)

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